Recognition & Scholarships

The faculty and staff of the Department of Psychology have several ways to honor distinguished majors. There are a variety of scholarships and awards available, both as first year students and as upper class students. In addition, majors and minors who meet the qualifications can elect to join Butler’s chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology.

Psi Chi

Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology. The Society was founded in 1929 for the purpose of promoting excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Membership in a chapter of Psi Chi provides national recognition for academic excellence in psychology, an honor that can be noted on employment applications, vitae, and resumes. Members of Psi Chi can compete for 95 annual research awards and grants and are eligible to wear honor cords at graduation.

The Butler University chapter of Psi Chi was installed on April 23, 1997. Membership is open to juniors and seniors who meet academic requirements. The Psi Chi chapter at Butler sponsors several activities each year. In the past few years, the Psi Chi chapter has sponsored various academic programs and speakers, Psych Connection (a mentoring program), and the annual end-of-year psychology gathering.

The Butler Chapter of Psi Chi received the Model Chapter Award from the National Psi Chi office in 2001, 2005, and 2006. In addition, several members of our chapter have won awards. Megan Julian ’06 won an NSF/REU grant for 2005–2006; Megan Mull ’07 won an undergraduate research grant for 2006–2007; and Dr. Morris won a faculty adviser research grant for 2006–2007.

Seitz Award

The Seitz Award is designed to financially assist Natural Science students who desire to study science and conduct research abroad, outside the normal academic classroom setting. All students with sophomore or junior status majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics are eligible to apply. Sophomore and junior majors in Psychology, studying Physiological or Cognitive/Neuropsychology, or in Anthropology, studying Biological Anthropology, Primatology or Archaeology, are also eligible to apply.

Funded by the Katrina Roch Seitz Science Education Fund, the Seitz Study Abroad Experience allows students to extend their science education outside the classroom. Expectations are that a student will have a science educational experience (short courses, special seminars or learning opportunities, etc.) along with an immersion into the language, history, culture, art, and economics of the country. The study abroad experience should provide an opportunity for the student to study, travel, and interact with students and scientists in a foreign country and gain an appreciation for the educational, cultural and economic environment of the country. Butler University’s Center for Global Education is available to help with arrangements for student housing, language instruction and travel, if needed. Students will be selected by a committee including department heads in the natural sciences and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The number of student awards will be contingent on funds available. At the completion of the study abroad experience, the student will submit a written report to the Office of the Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences and be available to make an oral presentation to the Seitz family and the Butler community.

Learn more about the Seitz Award.

Merit Awards

Each spring the Department of Psychology honors its outstanding students with departmental awards. We invite others to join us in celebrating their achievements.

Psychology Departmental Honors

Departmental distinctions are to reward students for exceptional achievement within their major and are awarded at graduation. A student need not be a member of the University Honors Program in order to be awarded departmental distinctions in their major.

  • Distinction: is awarded to a nominee who has a GPA of at least 3.6 in the academic major.
  • High Distinction: 3.7+ GPA in our department and successfully complete an honors thesis in our department.
  • Highest Distinction: 3.8+ GPA in our department and successfully complete an honors thesis in our department.