Psychology Combined Majors
An undergraduate degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences requires that a student complete at least 120 credit hours in courses. Typically, a student will dedicate about 40 hours to a major, about 35 credit hours to courses in the core curriculum, and the remaining 45 credit hours to other, “elective” courses. This provides a student with several options:
- The student may use all 45 credit hours to sample courses in a broad range of fields, thus contributing to the student’s general education.
- The student may use about 20 of these credit hours to complete a minor in a second discipline, leaving about 25 truly elective credit hours.
- A student may use almost all of these 45 credit hours to complete a second major, specializing in two disciplines, but leaving little opportunity for a broader education.
The Combined Major provides a fourth option—one that may be preferable to any of those above. Combined majors require more coursework than a regular major, but less coursework than completing a major in each subject area separately (i.e., double majoring). Students completing a combined major receive one degree in a combination of disciplines rather than two degrees in different disciplines.
A student in a Combined Major completes about 30 credit hours—the most important courses—in each of two disciplines. A student with such a degree is often more appealing to a prospective employer or graduate program than a student with a major in one discipline and a minor in the other (even though the Combined Major requires the same number of credit hours as a major in one field and a minor in the other).
For course descriptions, visit the online Class Search. Visit LAS Core Curriculum for general LAS degree requirements.
The information found on this website with respect to major/minor/program requirements is primarily directed at providing prospective students a general roadmap of the curriculum. Current Butler students are expected to review their degree audit report at and speak with their advisor regularly for detailed information regarding their specific degree requirements and their progress toward degree completion.
Psychology (27 hours)
- SW 250, Psychological Inquiry
- PS 210, Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS 211, Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS 310, Advanced Statistics in Psychology
- PS 320, Life Span Developmental Psychology
- PS 350, Social Psychology
- PS 440, Psychology of Personality
Two of the following:
- PS 202, Learning
- PS 235, Biological Bases of Behavior
- PS 385, Cognitive Process
Anthropology (27 hours)
- SW 215, Being Human
- AN 101, First Year Seminar
- AN 350, Anthropological Methods
- AN 352, Ethnography
- AN 390, Development of Anthropological Thought
- Five additional courses at 300-level or higher
Program elective (3 hours)
- Any Psychology or Anthropology course at the 300-400 level
(Each department may determine acceptable substitutions.)
Psychology (30 hours)
- SW 250, Psychological Inquiry
- PS 202, Learning
- PS 210, Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS 211, Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS 235, Biological Bases of Behavior
- PS 310, Advanced Statistics in Psychology
- PS 320, Life Span Developmental Psychology
- PS 350, Social Psychology
- PS 440, Psychology of Personality
- PS elective, 3 hours of any 300 or 400 level PS class not listed above (may include directed research, independent study, internship, seminar, or thesis)
Criminology (30 hours; 33 hours if completing a for-credit internship)
Core Requirements (12 cr hrs)
- SW 200-SO Understanding Society
- SO 391 Social Theory Seminar
- SO 393 Social Research seminar
- SO 486 Senior Research Seminar or SO499 Honors Thesis
Required Courses (12 credit hours)
A. Two required courses:
- SO 321 Crime and Society
- SO 345 Deviance and Social Control
B. Inequality-One from the following:
- SO 317 Gender and Society
- SO 323 Race and Ethnic Relations
- SO 326 Gender, Race and Crime
- SO 329 Sociology of Racism
C. Transnational-One from the following:
- SO 331 Latin American Societies (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO 334 Immigration
- SO 355 International Crime
Criminology Electives (6 credit hours)
- SO 311 Law and Society
- SO 326 Gender, Race and Crime
- SO 339 Violence, Media and Culture
- SO 351 Punishment and Society
- SO 352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO 353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO 355 International Crime
Community Engagement Requirement
Students must complete an internship (SO 484, SO 485) or a service learning course (SL).
Psychology (27 hours)
- SW 250 Psychological Inquiry
- PS 210 Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS 211 Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS 310 Advanced Statistics in Psychology
- PS 385 Cognitive Processes
- PS 440 Psychology of Personality
One of the following seminars or equivalent:
- PS 412, Advanced Applied Neuroscience
- PS 413, Neuroscience of Drugs
- PS 415, Psychological Testing
- PS 420, History of Psychology
- PS 475, Advanced Seminar in Cognitive Psychology
- PS 476, Advanced Seminar in Biopsychology
- PS 477, Advanced Seminar in Social Psychology
- PS 478, Advanced Seminar in Developmental Psychology
- PS 479, Advanced Seminar in Applied Psychology
Psychology Electives: Student must complete A and B (6 hours)
- A. Either PS 202 (Learning) or PS 235 (Biological Bases of Behavior)
- B. Either PS 320 (Lifespan Developmental) or PS 350 (Social Psychology)
Philosophy (21 hours)
- PL 310, Introduction to Logic
- PL 311, History of Ancient Philosophy
- PL 313, History of Modern Philosophy
- PL 343, Philosophy of Science
- PL 346, Philosophy of Mind
- PL 360, Ethics/Value Theory cause
- PL 400, A 400-level philosophy course
Program Elective (3 hours)
- Any philosophy or psychology course at the 400-level
Political Science (27 hours)
- PO 201 Research and Analysis
- Any TWO of PO 102, PO 131, PO 141, PO 151, PO 210, PO 220 or PO 230
- 18 hours of PO courses at the 300 level or above, including at least one semester of PO 490.
Psychology (25 hours)
- Psychological Inquiry (SW 250-PS; 3 credit hours)
- Finding Success in Psychology (PS 110; 1 credit hour)
- Research Methods and Statistics I (PS 210; 3 credit hours)
- Research Methods and Statistics II (PS 211; 3 credit hours)
- One course in each of the following areas (12 credit hours):
- Time (3 credit hours)
- Life Span Developmental Psychology (PS 320)
- Child Psychology (PS 330)
- Adolescent Psychology (PS 335)
- Society (3 credit hours)
- Power and Intergroup Relations (PS 340)
- Social Psychology (PS 350)
- Psychology and Law (PS 450)
- Body (3 credit hours)
- Biological Bases of Behavior (PS 370)
- Psychopharmacology (PS 375)
- Sensory Processes and Perception (PS 404)
- Mind (3 credit hours)
- Cognitive Processes (PS 385)
- Learning (PS 390)
- Memory (PS 395)
- Time (3 credit hours)
- One PS 300- or 400- level elective (3 credit hours) – any PS class not counted above (may also include experiential courses in research or internship)
Program elective (3 hours)
- Either a second semester of PO 490 or one of the following seminars:
- PS 412, Advanced Applied Neuroscience
- PS 413, Neuroscience of Drugs
- PS 415, Psychological Testing
- PS 420, History of Psychology
- PS 475, Advanced Seminar in Cognitive Psychology
- PS 476, Advanced Seminar in Biopsychology
- PS 477, Advanced Seminar in Social Psychology
- PS 478, Advanced Seminar in Developmental Psychology
- PS 479, Advanced Seminar in Applied Psychology
Psychology (30 hours)
- SW 250, Psychological Inquiry
- PS 202, Learning
- PS 210, Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS 211, Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS 235, Biological Bases of Behavior
- PS 310, Advanced Statistics in Psychology
- PS 320, Life Span Developmental Psychology
- PS 350, Social Psychology
- PS 440, Psychology of Personality
- PS elective – 3 hours of any 300 or 400 -level PS class not listed above (may include directed research, independent study, internship, seminar, or thesis)
Sociology (30 hours; 33 hours if completing a for-credit internship)
- SW 200-SO Understanding Society
- SO 205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO381 Social Work and Social Policy
- SO 383 Social Work Methods
- SO 385 Practice Skills in Social Work
- SO 391 Social Theory Seminar
- SO 393 Research Methods Seminar
- SO 486 Senior Research Seminar or SO499 Honors Thesis
Select two courses from the following:
- SO 301 The Family and Gender Roles
- SO 323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO 326 Gender, Race & Crime
- SO329 Sociology of Racism
- SO335 Latin American Societies (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO 345 Deviance and Social Control
- SO347 Urban Community (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO354 Aging and the Live Course (SL; also fulfills the major’s Community Engagement Requirement)
- SO 370 Select Topics in Social Work
- SO380 Select Topics in Sociology (with permission of Department Chair)
Community Engagement (three hours to be applied toward major)
Students must complete and internship (SO 484, SO 485) or a service learning course (SL).
Criminology (27 cr hrs) *Requires 30 hrs if completing an internship or an SL course not listed below
Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
- SW200 SO Understanding Society
- SO 205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar
- SO393 Social Research seminar
Required Courses (6 credit hours)
Criminological Theory – One from the following:
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
Inequality – One from the following:
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
Criminology Electives (9 credit hours)
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO355 International Crime
- SO357 Abolition (SL) SO360 Selected Topics in Criminology
Note: SO360, SO370, or SO380 may satisfy requirements with permission of Department Chair.
Community Engagement Requirement
Students must complete an internship (SO484, SO485) or a service learning course (SL) listed above.
Psychology (25 credit hours)
Content Core (10 credit hours)
- SW 250 Psychological Inquiry (3 credit hours)
- PS 110 Finding Success in the Psychology Program (1 credit hour)
- PS 210 Research Methods/Statistics I (3 credit hours)
- PS 211 Research Methods/Statistics II (3 credit hours)
Content Domains (12 credit hours; at least one course must be taken from each domain)
- Mind: PS 385 Cognitive Processes; PS 390 Learning; PS 395 Memory
- Body: PS 370 Biological Bases of Behavior; PS 375 Psychopharmacology; PS 404 Sensory Processes & Perception
- Time: PS 320 Life-Span Developmental; PS 330 Psychology of Child and Adolescence
- Society: PS 340 Power and Intergroup Relations; PS 350 Social Psychology; PS 450 Psychology and the Law
One PS 300- or 400- level elective (3 credit hours)
Any PS class not counted above (may also include directed research, independent study, or internship)
Combined Senior Capstone Experience (3 credit hours)
Select one from the following:
- SO 486 Senior Research Seminar
- SO 499 Honors Thesis
- PS Seminar
- PS 499 Honors Thesis
Note: Honors Thesis must include an advisor/reader from both departments.