Psychology Department Internships

Internships completed through the Psychology Department are opportunities to integrate and develop both academic understanding and practical knowledge. This integration is accomplished by students working directly with populations in the community. Academic content and work performance are equally considered in determining the value of the experience and the grade assigned. The academic portion of the internship varies per faculty supervisor and by the number of credit hours, but generally includes a term paper, a brief reflection on the internship experience, a description of the student’s typical work day, and products or reports generated during the internship.

Psychology majors and minors can count up to 6 credit hours of internship (PS 391) toward filling a 300-level elective requirement. Please contact Dr. Joel Martin if you have any questions about internships.

Some examples of places students have recently interned are:

  • Autism Learning Partners
  • Bowen Center
  • Brooke’s Place
  • Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation
  • Damar Services
  • Fisher’s Elementary School
  • Hamilton Center Inc.
  • Hopebridge Autism Center
  • Indianapolis Zoo
  • IU School of Medicine
  • Julien Center
  • Joy’s House
  • Planned Parenthood
  • RLI Insurance
  • Tudor Place
  • WePlay ABA and Language Academy
  • The Women’s Fund

Occasionally, students compete for internship experiences across the country and globe.