Service & Community

Student Resources
- Emergency Preparedness—is a comprehensive website for resources related to public safety, active shooter response, online security, and emergencies and planning.
- Butler Alternative Breaks
- Alternative Spring Break (ASB)—allows participants to do important community service work, grow as people, and reflect on their experiences.
- Fall Alternative Break (FAB)—is an annual service trip where students travel to a given location in the United States to assist in various ways. Each year, the location and the project conducted are changed, but the basic premise behind the trip is provide a week of service to a community in need.
- Center for Citizenship and Community (CCC)—Connects students with active service learning and engagement opportunities within the Indianapolis community.
- The Compass Center—The Compass Center seeks to provide opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to reflect on their own passions and how to connect the life they lead to a sense of purpose and meaning.
- Compass Center Communities—Compass Center Communities are student-led and on campus to enrich and build community around shared faith or philosophical identities.
- Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability (CUES)—CUES is an academic center at Butler University dedicated to the science of urban ecology. CUES is inherently interdisciplinary and aspires to create a culture within Butler and in the city of Indianapolis that recognizes the fundamental importance of ecological knowledge for a sustainable society
- CUES Farm—The farm’s mission is to serve as an example of sustainable urban farming for Butler University and the Indianapolis community by teaching the interconnectedness of life, the importance of food security, and the methods of growing local foods through organic farming.
- Department of Student Leadership and Involvement—This department is the hub of co-curricular activities and campus-wide programming at Butler University.
- Student Organizations and Clubs—A list of all student organizations including their members and upcoming events.
- Volunteer Center—This office is dedicated to helping students find volunteer opportunities on and off campus.
- Efroymson Diversity Center (DC)—Located on the lower level of Atherton Union (Atherton, room 004), the DC houses the Office of Diversity Programs.
- Fraternity & Sorority Life (FSL)—For over one-third of Butler students, building lasting relationships, developing skills as leaders, and organizing all-campus fundraisers through Fraternity and Sorority Life is college at its best. With the potential to explore new experiences and activities, our chapters (seven fraternities and eight sororities): plan formals and social events, service projects, stay connected with alumni mentors, while maintaining GPAs that are, on average above a 3.0. In any given year, members of Butler’s FSL contribute thousands of hours in service and tens of thousands of dollars to not only the Indianapolis community & many national non-profits.
- Indianapolis Community Requirements (ICR)—A course requirement for students that involves active engagement with the Indianapolis community.
- BU|Bewell Student Well-being Champions, supported by Health Promotion, are student leaders who promote the health and wellbeing of their fellow Butler students. These student leaders are trained and actively seek opportunities to encourage students to make healthy choices.
- Student Government Association (SGA)—SGA is an elected body of student leaders that program events, advocate for student concerns and provide opportunities for learning, engagement, and community.
- Service and Philanthropy Board
- Bulldogs into the Streets (BITS)—is Butler’s annual service project open to students, faculty, staff and their families (children must be 6 years or older) to participate each year.
- Service and Philanthropy Board
Faculty & Staff Resources
- Bulldogs into the Streets (BITS)—is Butler’s annual service project open to students, faculty, staff and their families (children must be 6 years or older) to participate each year.
- Emergency Preparedness—is a comprehensive website for resources related to public safety, active shooter response, online security, and emergencies and planning.
- The Compass Center—Opportunities for faculty and staff to explore their supportive and guiding role for students navigating Butler and their futures.
- Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability (CUES)—CUES is an academic center at Butler University dedicated to the science of urban ecology. CUES is inherently interdisciplinary and aspires to create a culture within Butler and in the city of Indianapolis that recognizes the fundamental importance of ecological knowledge for a sustainable society
- CUES Farm—The farm’s mission is to serve as an example of sustainable urban farming for Butler University and the Indianapolis community by teaching the interconnectedness of life, the importance of food security, and the methods of growing local foods through organic farming.
- Staff Assembly—The governing body which seeks to enhance the work environment and represent the interests and concerns of staff.
- Student Involvement and Leadership—Student Involvement and Leadership is the hub of co-curricular activities and campus-wide programming at Butler University.
- Butler Alternative Breaks Advising—Advising opportunities to travel alongside students participating in service and reflection in a community outside of the Indianapolis area, focusing on social justice reflection, civic engagement, and non-profits in a community new to the participants.