Basketball Band
The Basketball Band (BUBB) has more than 100 members and contains some of Butler’s most enthusiastic fans. Our students come from all majors across campus. The 70+ song playlist for the group contains pieces from many genres including music from the 50’s to now, Ska, Swing, Pop, and Rock & Roll among others. We are one big family that loves to cheer on our Dawgs!

BUBB follows the Butler Basketball teams during postseason play and supported our Bulldogs through their historic national championship runs in 2010 and 2011. The Butler Basketball Band is a Final Four “Battle of the Bands” Champion!
For more information on joining BUBB, email the Band office at: The first BUBB rehearsal of each season will be in late September to early October. The date and time will be posted in the Butler Today, and schedules will be available outside of the band office (Lilly Hall 016) in late September.
We have two types of membership in the Basketball Band—CORE and AT LARGE. CORE BAND MEMBERS (Blue Core and White Core) have required/assigned (Men’s and Women’s) games to attend (they can attend as many games as they’d like—but have to attend their Core Games). AT LARGE Members are not restricted in any way as to which games they may play and are encouraged to attend every game that their schedule allows.
Auditions for the Core Basketball Bands are normally be held in October over two weeks.
Woodwinds: First week of October
Brass: Second week of October.
Drum Kit: During Basketball Band Rehearsal Time in the second week of October.
Audition Process
- Sign up for audition time. Audition Sign-Up List will be posted on the course Canvas page.
- ** Drumset Auditions will be scheduled during a class period.
- Download and prepare your audition music completely (tempo, articulation, dynamics, etc.).
- Audition at your specific time.
- Audition results will be posted to Canvas once all auditions have concluded.
We rehearse only on Fridays starting in late September/early October from 4:40–6:30 PM. The exact start date will be annouced via Canvas several weeks in advance.
On Game Days: we arrive approximately one hour before Tip-Off, and play about 40–50 minutes of Pre-Game Music; each game lasts about two hours. There are typically two to three games per week.
No! If you are assigned to a CORE BAND you will have specific games (approximately 15 games per the season) that you will be assigned to. If you’re AT LARGE you can attend as many games as you like. We require seven games per semester to get an A in the course. If you’re AT LARGE—the more games you attend, the more likely you are to travel. We have had students attend all 36 games before—and we take that kind of dedication seriously!
No. You are not required to be in Marching Band to be in Basketball Band. 90% of the Marching Band participates in Basketball Band. So, while we encourage you to do both, it is not required.
It’s Possible! We send out a Google Form in January for those interested in Post-Season Travel (This is one of the big perks of being in the band!). CORE MEMBERS have the right of first refusal, then we go by attendance and instrumentation needs of the travel band. 80 percent of members who sign up to travel get to travel.
Yes! We have members that are in Greek Life and encompass students from all majors across campus—and travel. It’s truly up to you and how you can maintain a work/life balance. Several of our members make that priority and can help you figure out how to do it too!