White Coat Ceremony
The 2024 White Coat Ceremony will be held in Clowes Memorial Hall on Friday, August 30 at 3:00PM. Guests will not require a ticket to attend the ceremony. Parking will be located in the Sunset Avenue parking garage.
If you are unable to attend the ceremony in person, you can watch the ceremony live at 3:00 PM EST.
Each year, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences welcomes Physician Assistant students and P1 Pharmacy students into the first year of their professional programs and their respective professional communities with the White Coat Ceremony. This significant ceremony serves to welcome each new class of students and provides a powerful emphasis on high standards of professionalism, compassion, and service. We invite you to be a part of this year’s milestone event by donating a gift to fund one student’s first white coat.
“I think when I received my first white coat, it did feel like a profound weight of responsibility. Choosing to be a healthcare provider is so much more than choosing a career — especially right now in light of the pandemic. It’s truly choosing a lifestyle, a mentality, a culture, a certain level of risk, along with a high-degree of fulfillment.” – Hanna Sutton ‘20, PA-C
Please consider making the White Coat Ceremony special for our students by sponsoring a student’s white coat for $75. If your donation is received by August 21, your name will be shared with the student receiving your coat. If you know someone you wish to designate as the recipient of your coat, please indicate this on your donation.