Parking Regulations


Vehicle registration and parking restrictions are designed to identify vehicle ownership and to provide for orderly placement of vehicles. Butler University (herein referred to as “University”) reserves the right to restrict where vehicles park.

Vehicle Registration and Parking Regulations are based on a legal commitment with the City of Indianapolis and the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood Association. Additional authority to regulate parking on campus is in compliance with Indiana Code 21-17-5-7. The University provides parking in designated locations on campus.


Any registered student, faculty member, staff member, or member of an affiliated group with office space on campus:

  1. must register their vehicle and obtain a current year parking permit to park anywhere on campus or an authorized city street.
  2. is prohibited from parking on the streets within the Butler Tarkington neighborhood (see Neighborhood Parking Section below for more details)

University-owned or leased vehicles for shared department/division use are exempt from any fee to register a vehicle. University employees who are issued a University vehicle, owned or leased, for personal and business use are required to purchase a parking permit.

For more information on vehicle registration, please call the Department of Public Safety Office of Parking Services at 317-940-9243.


A fee is charged for each permit issued. A separate permit is required for each registered vehicle. Permits are non-transferable. Refunds may be issued with the return of the permit sticker and are prorated according to the refund schedule determined by the Associate Director. Replacement permits may only be issued at a reduced cost if the old permit is returned to Parking Services. Annual permits expire August 20th of each calendar year. Fall Semester permits expire on December 31.

Second Permit—A second vehicle permit can be purchased for use for faculty and staff who own two vehicles. The second permit is not to be issued to a family member, friend, or spouse attending Butler University. Faculty/staff members violating this provision will have their parking privileges revoked and will be reported to the Office of Human Resources.


Online registration will occur in the fall prior to the start of classes, typically running from late July through Labor Day. Registration emails will be sent to all faculty/staff and students during the summer about registration. If the vehicle information (i.e. license plate) for a registered vehicle changes, it is the responsibility of the registrant to provide updated vehicle information to the parking services office. Registration may also occur in-person at the Parking Services office. All outstanding fines must be paid before a vehicle can be registered.


Students will be billed for their permit through the Office of Student Accounts. Faculty and staff may utilize payroll deduction if registering online or pay upon receipt if registering at Parking Services.


The permit must be placed on the outside lower left corner of the vehicle’s rear window. Permits cannot be taped to the inside of the rear window. In the case of a convertible or a truck with a camper shell, the permit may be placed on the lower corner of the passenger side windshield. No other locations are permitted.

Temporary Passes

Temporary parking passes may be obtained at the Office of Parking Services during posted hours or from the University Police Department communications office located at 525 W. Hampton Drive, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Temporary passes generally can only be issued for a period no longer than one week. However, passes may be issued for a longer period with justification and approval of the Associate Director of Parking and Transportation or his/her representative. There is an additional cost for this. No other division or college is permitted to issue a temporary parking pass without approval from the Chief of Police. Requests for temporary parking passes must be submitted in writing to Parking Services. When feasible, all campus visitors should be directed to park in the parking garage.

Parking Garage

Possession of an “A”, “B”, “C”, “PG” or “T” permit will allow the vehicle to be parked in in the parking garage free of the hourly fee by using your Butler ID for access. The 5th floor of the parking garage is reserved for “G5” permit student parking overnight and the 6th floor of the parking garage is reserved for “B” permit student parking overnight. No other vehicles may be parked in those areas overnight. Staff/Faculty vehicles with “A” or “PG” permits are allowed to park in the parking garage overnight when on University business.

ADA Parking and Special Needs

ADA designated spaces are reserved for persons with vehicles displaying the correct authorization to park there and are designated tow-away zones. This restriction is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week and a violation of this policy could result in a ticket being issued.

State-issued ADA placards are valid for parking in ADA designated spaces on campus, however, faculty, staff, students or affiliates must also have a valid permit affixed to their vehicle as required by the Vehicle Registration and Parking Policy Section II, (A). To obtain a temporary University issued ADA permit, the person who registered the vehicle must present written documentation showing the operator is entitled to be issued an ADA permit to the Parking Services office.

A vehicle displaying a University ADA parking permit shall park in an ADA parking space. If there are no ADA parking spaces available, the permit will allow the driver to park in any space in lots designated as A, B, or C. There is no cost for the ADA permit. Parking in a metered space still requires payment.

Parking Regulations

Parking regulations are in effect through the entire calendar year. All persons parking a vehicle on University controlled property and surrounding streets are required to adhere to all regulations.

Signage—Parking areas are identified by signs and stall markers.

Parking Hours—All areas are enforced 24 hours a day, unless otherwise noted on the posted sign for the designated area. Overnight hours are defined as the period between midnight and 4:00 AM.

Special Events—Parking restrictions are lifted for non-affiliates during special events at Clowes Memorial Hall and Hinkle Fieldhouse that are open to the general public. The University reserves the right to restrict parking during other special events. Yellow curbs, ADA, reserved areas, and designated tow-away zones are enforced during special events.

Repeat Violations

Repeat violations on any vehicle may result in tow, impoundment, and/or loss of parking privileges on the Butler University campus. The Chief of Public Safety, or his designee, have the authority to register a vehicle and/or revoke parking privileges with notice. Students with multiple parking violations may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for student conduct action.

Designated Areas

Parking areas on campus have been designated in the following categories and vehicles shall park in the designated lot(s) corresponding with the issued permit:

  • Permit A: Faculty, staff, emeritus and affiliate parking
  • Permit AV: Apartment Village parking
  • Permit B: Student resident parking
  • Permit C: Student commuter parking (non-resident)
  • Permit E: Evening Student Commuter
  • Permit FIR: Faculty-in-residence parking
  • Permit G5: Temporary Student Resident Parking
  • Permit M: Motorcycle or scooter parking
  • Permit PG: Parking Garage only
  • Permit R: Butler-Tarkington resident
  • Permit I: Student, long-term parking
  • Permit T: Butler Terrace, South Campus Apartments, and University Terrace parking
  • Permit U: University-owned or affiliated vehicles only

Neighborhood Parking

In 1989, the City of Indianapolis enacted legal commitments that require Butler University to enforce parking restrictions on neighborhood streets. Student, faculty/staff, and affiliate vehicles are prohibited from parking on the streets in the Butler Tarkington neighborhood. The neighborhood’s boundaries are 38th Street (south), Meridian Street (east), and the Central Canal on the West and North.

Vehicles parking along the south side of West 44th Street require a permit from the City of Indianapolis, Department of Code Enforcement ( This permit is free and may be obtained at 1200 Madison Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46225. This department can be reached at 317-327-8700. You will need to provide proof of your residential address. A photo ID is also required.

Neighborhood Parking Sticker

Any faculty, staff, or student residing in the Butler-Tarkington Neighborhood is permitted to be issued a Butler University R permit identifying them as a resident of the neighborhood. The permit can be obtained at the Parking Services office during business hours. Proof of residency must be shown unless the address is the currently registered address with the University. There is no cost for the permit. This permit does not allow for parking on University controlled property and is only valid for parking in the designated zone that the residence is located within.


Faculty-in-residence designated spaces are reserved for specific faculty who reside in the residence halls. These are designated tow-away zones. This restriction is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

U Permit

These spaces are designated for public safety, facilities management and authorized contractors and are designated tow-away zones. This restriction is enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Hinkle Fieldhouse

The parking area of Hinkle Fieldhouse, except where otherwise designated, is an overflow parking area. Registration requirements are enforced in this area. There is no overnight parking on this lot or adjacent lots. Overnight parking begins at 11:00 p.m. On game days and other special events, parking in lot numbers 25, 26, and 27 may be restricted.

Parking Meters

Metered parking areas are designated open parking and are designated tow-away zones. This restriction is enforced and payment is required 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Permit requirements are in effect in metered spaces.

Citations, Parking Fines & Appeals

Fines are levied for violation of parking regulations. The amount of the fine is subject to change without notice. The fine listed on a ticket takes precedence to any published fine. The University parking committee designated by the Chief of Public Safety will determine if changes are warranted by conducting a review of vehicle registration costs and parking fines. The University parking committee will forward their recommendations to the University senior administrative group for approval if changes are warranted.

There is a two-step appeal process if a ticket is thought to be issued due to an error. Tickets may first be appealed to the Department of Public Safety Office of Parking Services. If the first appeal is not granted, a second appeal may be submitted to the Chief of Public Safety.

Appeal forms—Appeals must be submitted online at The form must be filled out completely. Appeals that are missing information will be denied.

Invalid Grounds for Appeal—Violating the neighborhood legal agreements, a lost ticket, lack of knowledge of the regulations, forgetfulness, parking for only a short period, having the wrong permit for the area, failure to display parking permit, failure to obtain a temporary permit, not seeing the signs or inability to pay the fines are invalid grounds for appeal.

Appeal Status—Allow for 10 working days for the processing of the appeal. It is the responsibility of the person making the appeal to contact the office for the results. Call Parking Services at 317-940-9243 to check on the status of the appeal. Appeals will not be accepted if submitted later than 10 days after the issuance of the citation.

Unregistered Vehicles

Any vehicle not registered as required under this policy is subject to being ticketed and/or towed from campus property. If the vehicle is towed, it must be registered before it will be released. , The Associate Director of Parking and Transportation may register the vehicle, with notice.

Non-University owned or controlled golf carts, ATVs, or other motorized vehicles, either gas, propane, or electric are not allowed on University property and may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Vehicle Towing

A vehicle may be towed, without notice and at the owner’s expense, for any of the following: being illegally parked in an “ADA” parking space; being parked in a “faculty-in-residence” parking space; being parked in a metered space with an expired meter; being parked in a U permit designated space; being parked in a “police vehicle” designated space; being parked in a fire lane, next to a fire hydrant, or blocking a dumpster. This section does not prohibit towing of a vehicle at the discretion of the University Police Department for additional violations not listed herein. Vehicles towed by the University Police or Parking Services will be released after the following conditions have been met: 1)The operator registers the vehicle with the Department of Public Safety Office of Parking Services.

If the violator is not affiliated with the University, all fines must be paid prior to the release of the vehicle. The owner of a vehicle that has been towed will need to contact the University Police Department for information on paying the fee and obtaining the release form.

During athletic or other special events, parking in the Hinkle Fieldhouse lots may be restricted. These lot numbers are 25, 26, and 27. Vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense without notice and there may not always be a campus-wide announcement regarding restrictions.