Combined Majors in Sociology & Criminology
The Sociology and Criminology department offers two combined majors within our own department as well as five combined majors with departments outside of our own — one with the History/Anthropology/Classics Department, one with the Philosophy/Religious Studies Department, one with the Political Science Department, and two with the Psychology Department.
These combined majors give students the opportunity to specialize in two related fields and are excellent preparation for students considering advanced study and/or careers in areas such as criminology, criminal justice, law, social work, counseling, or sociology.
Combined majors require more coursework than a regular major, but less coursework than completing a major in each subject area separately (i.e., double majoring). Students completing a combined major receive one degree.
For course descriptions, visit the online Class Search.
Sociology (27 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (27 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO293 Statistics for Social Research
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Social Research Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior Standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (prereq: SO391, SO393, Senior)
(Note: SO499 Honors Thesis may be completed in place of SO486.)
II. Sociology Electives (9 credit hours)
Courses are offered in four substantive areas of study. Students must take one course from three of the four following areas.
- Culture & Community
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture, & Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, & Culture
- SO341 Self & Society
- SO343 Popular Culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO354 Aging & The Life Course (SL)
- Inequality & Social Change
- SO303 Political Behavior, Polity, & Society
- SO317 Gender & Society
- SO321 Crime & Society
- SO323 Racial & Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, & Power
- SO326 Gender, Race, & Crime
- SO329 The Sociology of Racism
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
- Social Institutions
- SO301 Families & Society
- SO311 Law & Society
- SO315 Film, Media, & Society
- SO351 Punishment & Society
- SO352 Mental Illness & the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice & Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health & Society
- Transnational Society
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO333 European Societies
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO355 International Crime
(Note: All 300 level courses require SW200-SO or permission of Department Chair; SO293, SO381, SO383, and SO385 may not be taken to satisfy this requirement. SO360, SO370, or SO380 may satisfy requirements with permission of Department Chair.)
Anthropology (24 credit hours)
I. Foundation Courses (6 credit hours)
- AN101 Close Encounters
- SW215 Being Human
II. Theory (3 credit hours)
- AN390 Development of Anthropological Thought
III. Methods (3 credit hours)
- AN352 Ethnography
IV. Anthropology Electives (9 credit hours)
(Note: Three additional AN courses, at least two of which must be at the 300-level or above including but not restricted to the following list.)
- AN302 The Body & Society
- AN304 Medical Anthropology
- AN311 Anthropology of Difference
- AN315 Gender & Colonialism
- AN329 Japanese Popular Culture
- AN333 Folklore, Culture, & Society
- AN338 Language & Culture
- AN340 Non-Western Art
- AN346 The Anthropology of Sport
- AN347 Museum Studies AN368 Coming of Age in the Middle East
- AN380 Africa & Medical Technologies
- AN380 Disability & Culture
- AN380 Gender & Sexuality in Africa
- AN380 Imagining Latin American Cultures
- AN380 Immigration Nation
- AN380 Reproductive Technologies
- AN380 Sex Education & Culture
- AN380 Sport, Empire, & Identity
- AN380 The Supernatural & the Sacred
- AN380 Witchcraft & Shamanism AN380 Women, Gender, & Folklore
V. Capstone (3 credit hours)
- AN460 Culture & History
Combined (0-3 credit hours)
I. Community Engagement (0-3 credit hours)
Students need to select one from the following list of options:
- Option 1: Internship listed in the bulletin as AN486 (3 credit hours), AN487 (6 credit hours), SO484 (3 credit hours), or SO485 (6 credit hours)
- Option 2: Service Learning (SL) designated course in Sociology (3 credit hours)
- Option 3: ICR designated course in Anthropology (3 credit hours)
- Option 3: Field School (3 credit hours)
Criminology (30 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior Standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (prereq: SO391, SO393, Senior)
(Note: SO499 Honors Thesis may be completed in place of SO486.)
II. Required Courses (12 credit hours)
- Two required courses:
- SO321 Crime and Society (prereq: SW200-SO and Junior standing)
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control (prereq: SW200-SO and Sophomore standing)
- Inequality (One from the following):
- SO326 Gender, Race and Crime
- SO323 Race and Ethnic Relations
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO329 Sociology of Racism
- Transnational (One from the following):
- SO355 International Crime
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO334 Immigration
III. Criminology Electives (6 credit hours)
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO355 International Crime
IV. Community Engagement Requirement
Students must complete an internship (SO484, SO485) or a service-learning course (SL).
Psychology (30 credit hours)
- SW250 Psychological Inquiry
- PS202 Learning and Memory
- PS210 Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS211 Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS235 Biological Basis of Behavior
- PS310 Statistics in Psychology
- PS320 Life Span Developmental Psychology
- PS350 Social Psychology
- PS440 Psychology of Personality
- PS Elective: Three hours of any 300- or 400-level PS class not listed above (may include directed research, independent study, seminar, or thesis)
Criminology (27 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
- SW200 SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior Standing)
II. Required Courses (6 credit hours)
- Criminological Theory (One of the following):
- SO321 Crime and Society (prereq: SW200-SO and Junior standing)
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control (prereq: SW200-SO and Sophomore standing)
- Inequality (One of the following):
- SO317 Gender & Society
- SO323 Racial & Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power
- SO347 Urban Communities (SL)
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO354 Aging & Life (SL)
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
III. Criminology Electives (9 credit hours)
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
- SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO355 International Crime
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
- SO360 Selected Topics in Criminology
(Note: SO360, SO370, or SO380 may satisfy requirements with permission of Department Chair.)
IV. Community Engagement Requirement
Students must complete an internship (SO484, SO485) or a service-learning course (SL). Taking an SL elective course listed above will also fulfill the Community Engagement Requirement.
Psychology (25 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (10 credit hours)
- SW250 Psychological Inquiry (3 credit hours)
- PS110 Finding Success in the Psychology Program (1 credit hour)
- PS210 Research Methods/Statistics I (3 credit hours)
- PS211 Research Methods/Statistics II (3 credit hours)
II. One Course in Each of the Following Four Areas (12 credit hours)
- Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS320 Life Span Development Psychology
- PS330 Psych of Child and Adolescence
- PS335 Adolescent Psychology
- Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS340 Power & Intergroup Relations
- PS350 Social Psychology
- PS450 Psychology and Law
- Biological Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS370 Biological Bases of Behavior
- PS375 Psychopharmacology
- PS404 Sensory Process and Perception
- Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS385 Cognitive Processes
- PS202 Learning
- PS395 Memory
III. One PS 300- or 400-level Elective (3 credit hours)
- Any PS not counted above
- May also include directed research, independent study, or internship
Combined Senior Capstone Experience (3 credit hours)
I. Select One from the Following
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (prerequisite: SO391, SO 393, Senior standing)
- SO499 Honors Thesis
- PS Seminar
- PS499 Honors Thesis (Honors thesis must include an advisor/reader from both departments.)
54 credit hours + Sociology Internship and Service Learning Course
I. Sociology Core Requirements (18 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO293 Social Statistics
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO + two sociology courses; Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (SW200-SO + one sociology course + SO293 Social Statistics OR other approved Statistics course; Junior standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (SO391-W + SO393; Senior standing; 3 credit hours)
(Note: SO499 Honors Thesis can be completed in place of the SO486, Senior Research Seminar.)
II. Sociology Area Requirements (21 credit hours)
At least one course from each of the following four areas :
- Culture and Community
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture and Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO343 Popular Culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- Inequality and Social Change
- SO303 Political Behavior, Polity, and Society
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO329 The Sociology of Racism
- SO349 Social Movements
- Social Institutions
- SO301 Families and Society
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO315 Film, Media, and Society
- SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO352 Mental Illness & the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health and Society
- Transnational Sociology
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO333 European Societies
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO355 International Crime
(Note: All 300 level courses require SW200-SO or permission; SO293, SO381, SO383, SO385 may not be taken to satisfy this requirement.)
III. Criminology Area Requirements (15 credit hours)
Required Core Courses:
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
And three of the Following:
- SO311 Law and Society or SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO352 Mental Illness and The Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
(Note: No course taken in this area can be double-counted to satisfy sociology area requirements above.)
IV. Internship or Service Learning Course
Students are also expected to complete an internship (SO484, SO485) and a service-learning (SL) course or second internship.
54 credit hours + Internship and Service Learning Course
I. Sociology Core Requirements (18 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO293 Social Statistics
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO + two sociology courses; Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO + one sociology course + SO293 Social Statistics or PS211; Junior standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar I (SO391-W + SO393; Senior standing; 3 credit hours)
(Note: SO499 Honors Thesis can be completed in place of the SO486 Senior Research Seminar)
II. Social Work Practice Requirements (9 credit hours)
- SO381 Social Work and Social Policy
- SO383 Social Work Methods
- SO385 Practice Skills in Social Work
III. Sociology Requirements (12 credit hours)
One course from each of the following four areas:
- Culture and Community
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture and Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO343 Popular Culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- Inequality and Social Change
- SO303 Political Behavior, Policy, and Society
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO329 The Sociology of Racism
- SO349 Social Movements
- Social Institutions
- SO301 Families and Society
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO315 Film, Media, and Society
- SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO352 Mental Illness & the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health and Society
- Transnational Sociology
- SO331 Latin American Societies
- SO333 European Societies
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO355 International Crime
(Note: All 300 level courses require SW200-SO or permission from department chair)
IV. Criminology Area Requirements (15 credit hours hours)
Required Core Courses:
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
And three of the Following:
- SO311 Law and Society or SO351 Punishment and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO352 Mental Illness and The Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
(Note: No course in this area can be double-counted to satisfy Sociology Area requirements above. )
V. Community Engagement
Students are also expected to complete an internship (SO484, SO485) and a service-learning (SL) course or second internship.
Sociology (30 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (24 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO381 Social Work and Social Policy
- SO383 Social Work Methods
- SO385 Practice Skills in Social Work
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (SO391-W, SO393, Senior standing) (3 credit hours)
(NOTE: SO499 Honors Thesis may be completed in place of SO486, Senior Research Seminar.)
II. Sociology Electives (6 credit hours)
Select two courses from the following:
- SO301 The Family and Gender Roles
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO326 Gender, Race & Crime
- SO329 Sociology of Racism
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO335 Global Society
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
- SO347 Urban Communities (SL)
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- SO370 Select Topics in Social Work
- SO380 Select Topics in Sociology (with permission of Department Chair)
III. Community Engagement (3 hours to be applied toward major)
Students are also expected to complete an internship (SO484, SO485) and a service-learning (SL) course or second internship.
Psychology (30 credit hours)
- SW250 Psychological Inquiry
- PS202 Learning and Memory
- PS210 Research Methods/Statistics I
- PS211 Research Methods/Statistics II
- PS235 Biological Basis of Behavior
- PS310 Statistics in Psychology
- PS320 Life Span Developmental Psychology
- PS350 Social Psychology
- PS440 Psychology of Personality
- PS Elective: Three hours of any 300- or 400-level PS class not listed above (may include directed research, independent study, seminar, or thesis)
Sociology (27 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (12 credit hours)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prereq: SW 200SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior standing)
II. Required Courses (12 credit hours)
Social Work and Social Policy
- SO381 Social Work and Social Policy
- SO383 Social Work Methods
- SO385 Practice Skills in Social Work
Inequality (One of the following):
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power
- SO347 Urban Communities (SL)
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
III. Sociology Electives (3 credit hours)
Select one courses from the following or an additional inequality course:
- SO301 The Family and Gender Roles
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture, and Society
- SO326 Gender, Race, and Crime
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO335 Global Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, and Culture
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO345 Deviance and Social Control
- SO352 Mental Illness and the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health and Society
IV. Community Engagement (3 hours to be applied toward major)
Students are also expected to complete an internship (SO484, SO485) or a service-learning (SL) course or second internship. Taking an SL elective course listed above will also fulfill the Community Engagement requirement.
Psychology (25 credit hours)
I. Core Requirements (10 credit hours)
- SW250 Psychological Inquiry (3 credit hours)
- PS110 Finding Success in the Psychology Program (1 credit hour)
- PS210 Research Methods/Statistics I (3 credit hours)
- PS211 Research Methods/Statistics II (3 credit hours)
II. One Course in Each of the Following Four Areas (12 credit hours)
- Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS320 Life Span Development Psychology
- PS330 Psych of Child and Adolescence
- PS335 Adolescent Psychology
- Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS340 Power & Intergroup Relations
- PS350 Social Psychology
- PS450 Psychology and Law
- Biological Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS370 Biological Bases of Behavior
- PS375 Psychopharmacology
- PS404 Sensory Process and Perception
- Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
- PS385 Cognitive Processes
- PS202 Learning
- PS395 Memory
III. One PS 300- or 400-level Elective (3 credit hours)
- Any PS not counted above
- May also include directed research, independent study, or internship
Combined Senior Capstone Experience (3 credit hours)
I. Select One from the Following
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar (prereq: SO391, SO393, Senior standing)
- SO499 Honors Thesis
- PS Seminar
- PS499 Honors Thesis (Honors thesis must include an advisor/reader from both departments)
Sociology (24 credit hours)
I. Sociology Core Requirements
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO293 Statistics for Social Research (or PS210, AR210, MA162, MS264 and one additional SO elective)
- SO391 Social Theory Seminar (WAC; prerequisite: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, Junior standing)
- SO393 Research Methods Seminar (prerequisite: SW200-SO, SO293 or PS211, one sociology course, Junior Standing)
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar
II. Sociology Electives (9 credit hours)
Select three courses from the following:
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- SO301 The Family and Gender Roles
- SO311 Law and Society
- SO315 Film, Media, and Society
- SO317 Gender and Society
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture and Society
- SO321 Crime and Society
- SO323 Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, and Power
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO341 Self and Society
- SO343 Popular culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO354 Aging and the Life Course (SL)
- SO356 Health and Society
- SO360 Special Topics in Criminology (3 credit hours)
- SO380 Special Topics in Sociology (3 credit hours)
III. Community Engagement (three hours to be applied toward major)
Students must complete an internship (SO484, SO485) or a service learning course (SL).
Philosophy (24 hours)
I. Core Requirements (15 credit hours)
- One introductory course in philosophy: TI 24x-PL (TI242 or TI 244 recommended)
- PL310 Logic or AR231 Principles of Reasoning
- PL343 Philosophy of Science or PL351 Philosophy of Social Science
- PL345 Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy or PL360 Ethics
- PL410 Seminar in Philosophy
II. Philosophy Electives
Select one course from the two categories below:
- History of Philosophy Electives (3 credit hours)
- PL311 History of Ancient Philosophy
- PL313 History of Modern Philosophy
- PL314 History of 19th Century Philosophy
- PL315 Continental Philosophy
- PL316 Africana Philosophy
- PL327 Philosophical Classics
- Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy Electives (3 credit hours)
- PL344 Philosophy of Law
- PL348 Philosophy of Feminism
- PL350 Philosophy of Race
- PL363 Biomedical Ethics
- PL364 Global Justice
- PL365 Environmental Ethics
- PL366 Technology Ethics
III. Open Electives
Select one course from A or B above or another PL elective based upon PL advisor approval.
57 Credit Hours
I. Introductory Courses (4 courses, 12 credit hours at the 100-200 level)
- SW200-SO Understanding Society
- SO205 Contemporary Social Issues
- Two PO courses including at least one course on Politics beyond the USA or Political Theory. Options are:
- USA Politics in Theory and Practice: PO131/SW242-PO, PO220, PO230
- Politics Beyond the USA: PO141/SW244-PO, PO151/SW243-PO, SW240-PO, SW345-PO
- Political Theory: PO102, PO210, TI255-PO
II. Questions, Problems, & Methods (3 courses, 9 credit hours)
- PO201 Research and Analysis
- SO293 Statistics for Social Research
- SO393 Social Research Seminar
III. Upper-Level Courses (10 courses, 30 credits at the 300-400 level)
Five PO courses (or 15 credits) distributed across at least three of these four areas: Politics in the USA, Politics Beyond the USA, Theorizing Politics, and Making Connections/Practicing Politics.
SO391 Social Theory Seminary
Four SO elective courses (or 12 credit hours) distributed across four areas:
- Culture and Community
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture, & Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, & Culture
- SO341 Self & Society
- SO343 Popular Culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO354 Aging & The Life Course (SL)
- Inequality & Social Change
- SO303 Political Behavior
- SO317 Gender & Society
- SO321 Crime & Society
- SO323 Racial & Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, & Power
- SO326 Gender, Race, & Crime
- SO329 The Sociology of Racism
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
- Social Institutions
- SO301 Families & Society
- SO311 Law & Society
- SO315 Film, Media, & Society
- SO351 Punishment & Society
- SO352 Mental Illness & the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice & Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health & Society
- Transnational Society
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO333 European Societies
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO355 International Crime
IV. Capstone (2 courses, 6 credits)
- PO490 Capstone Seminar
- SO486 Senior Research Seminar
V. Community Engagement
Students must complete an SO/PO internship or a major-related ICR course. This can happen while meeting other requirements.
The information found on this website with respect to major/minor/program requirements is primarily directed at providing prospective students a general roadmap of the curriculum. Current Butler students are expected to review their degree audit report at and speak with their advisor regularly for detailed information regarding their specific degree requirements and their progress toward degree completion.