Key Academic Affairs Dates
Note: If a deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, it is due the next business day.
Note: Dates and/or details are subject to change.
August 19 | Promotion increases effective for newly promoted faculty (does not include merit increases or equity increases) |
August 19-20 | New Faculty Orientation |
August 20 | Orientation and Onboarding for UCC members and College Curriculum Committee Chairs |
August 21 | Fall Academic Workshop |
August 22 | College and departmental meetings (contact your dean’s office or department chair for details) |
August 23 | Faculty and staff welcome event (picnic) |
August 25 | Convocation |
August 26 | Academic Day |
August 28 | First day of classes for fall term |
August 31 | Faculty Activity Report (FAR) deadline via Faculty 180 (Due to August 31 falling on a holiday weekend, the 2024 deadline is September 3) |
September 1 | Sabbatical applications for the 2025-26 academic year due to faculty member’s department chair or program director. (20.30.70 A) |
September 2 | Labor Day (no classes) |
October 1 | Progress reports (formerly “early term grades” or “academic advisement reports”) due in Navigate360 by 11:59 PM |
October 1 | Tenure and/or promotion application due to faculty member’s department chair, or dean if applicable (20.30.40 D) Sabbatical applications for the 2025-26 academic year due to the dean’s office. (20.30.70 A) Phased retirement application deadline. |
October 15 | Sabbatical reports from faculty gone the prior spring due to their dean’s office (20.30.70 A) |
October 17-18 | Fall break (no classes) |
October 21 | Advising begins |
October 23 | Faculty annual performance reviews due in Faculty180 |
November 1 | Department reports for all tenure and/or promotion candidates due to dean of the college, who refers it to the college’s Professional Standards Committee (PSC) (20.30.40 D) Sabbatical nominations for next academic year due to Provost (20.30.70 A) |
November 4 | Self-service registration for spring 2025 begins |
November 15 | Sabbatical reports from the prior spring due to Provost (20.30.70 A) |
November 25-29 | Thanksgiving holiday (no classes) |
December 1 | College Professional Standards Committee (PSC) tenure and/or promotion reports due to dean of college (20.30.40 D) Provost sabbatical request decisions announced to dean and faculty member (20.30.70 A) |
December 13 | Last meeting day of classes |
December 13 | Faculty emeriti nominations due to provost’s office |
December 14 | Reading day |
December 15 | Deadline to notify full-time faculty in their second year of academic service of non-reappointment (20.30.80 A |
December 16-20 | Final exams |
December 23 | Grades due in Registration & Records by 10 AM |
January 13 | First day of instruction for spring term |
January 15 | College dean provides a list to the Provost of faculty members who are eligible for review during the next academic year (20.30.30 A) College dean notifies tenure track faculty who will enter their sixth academic year in the next academic year that they will be considered for tenure (20.30.40 D) |
January 20 | MLK day (no classes) |
February 1 | Dean’s tenure and/or promotion report and recommendation due to Provost, who refers it to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UPTC) (20.30.40 D) |
February 11 | Spotlight on Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship (faculty recognition event) |
February 14 | Dossiers for faculty undergoing second- and fourth-year reviews due to college’s Professional Standards Committee (PSC). For second-year faculty in colleges whose PSC does not examine dossiers, dossiers should be submitted to dean of the college. |
February 18 | Progress reports (formerly “early term grades” or “academic advisement reports”) due in Navigate360 by 11:59 PM |
March 1 | University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UPTC) reports due to Provost for all tenure and/or promotion candidates (20.30.40 D) Deadline to notify full-time faculty in their first year of academic service of non-reappointment (20.30.80 A) |
March 10-14 | Spring break (no classes) |
March 15 | Provost’s report and recommendations for tenure and/or promotion candidates due to President (20.30.40 D) Sabbatical reports for faculty gone the previous fall due to their dean’s office. (20.30.70 A) |
March 24 | Advising for fall 2025 begins |
April 1 | President’s report and recommendations due for all tenure and/or promotion candidates (20.30.40 D) |
April 7 | Self-service registration for fall 2025 begins |
April date forthcoming | Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) |
April 15 | Deadline for tenure-track faculty undergoing second- and fourth-year reviews to receive formative feedback from the dean of the college and other groups involved in the review per college policy. Sabbatical reports from previous fall due to Provost (20.30.70 A) |
April 28 | Last day of classes |
April 29 | Reading Day |
April 30 | Provost provides written notice of the BOT’s decision to faculty candidates for tenure and/or promotion by this date |
April 30-May 6 | Final examinations |
May 8 | Grades due to Registration and Records by 10 AM |
May 10 | Commencement The official responsibilities of a full-time faculty member for the regular academic year begin with the first day of orientation in the fall and extend through spring commencement. All faculty members are expected to be present in the academic regalia at spring commencement. (20.20.50) |
May 15 | Notice of resignation from full-time faculty members due to college dean and Provost (20.30.80 B) |