Internal Grant Opportunities
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) oversees the following internal grant opportunities:
- The Butler Awards Committee (BAC) provides research, instructional development, and travel-to-present grants for faculty within the fine arts, humanities, and social sciences (qualitative research methods).
- The Holcomb Awards Committee (HAC) funds faculty research, instructional development, and travel-to-present grants in all disciplines within the natural sciences (“hard” sciences) and quantitative social sciences and encourages faculty members to engage students in the research process.
- The Matching Fund provides financial support where cash match or cost sharing is required or needed to strengthen grant proposals.
- Through the generous support of the Lilly Endowment, OSP established the Equipment Fund to provide a university-wide support system to prevent the obsolescence of equipment and offset the costs incurred by the colleges/school for such purchases supporting research, scholarship, creative activity, and faculty-student collaborations.
Additional Opportunities
The Center for Global Education (CGE) offers global initiative grants in the following categories: foreign language enhancement, area studies enhancement, on-campus course internalization, and scouting for faculty-led study programs abroad. The CGE also offers faculty the opportunity to apply for funding to participate in the faculty development seminar, and Global Adventures in the Liberal Arts (GALA).
The Center for Citizenship and Community (CCC) within the Engaged Learning Center offers course development funding opportunities for faculty teaching Indianapolis Community Requirement (ICR) courses, ICR and service-learning course mini-grants, and ICC service engagement grants.
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) offers assessment mini-grants for departments/programs that wish to improve their assessment approaches in meaningful ways that can better help inform future curricular changes.
The Core Curriculum offers course enhancement grants to fund co-curricular experiences relevant to Core courses.
The Founders Day Committee offers grant opportunities for faculty to develop and enhance existing course projects, assignments, or independent studies with students.
SJD Vocational Fellowships are made available through the Center for Faith and Vocation (CFV), Career and Professional Services (CaPS), and the SJD Advisory Committee.
The Muslim Studies Endowment (MSE) offers research grant opportunities to faculty conducting significant research projects relevant to Islam and Muslims.
Staff Training and Enrichment Program
The Staff Training and Enrichment Program (STEP) mini-grants support professional development opportunities for staff within the academic division.
Center for High Achievement and Scholarly Engagement
The Center for High Achievement and Scholarly Engagement (CHASE) within the Engaged Learning Center offers the following funding opportunities for students:
- The Butler Summer Institute allows rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors enrolled full time at Butler University to pursue a significant research question, contribute to a scholarly conversation, or produce creative work while being mentored by a faculty member and supported by a peer community comprised of equally enthusiastic student researchers, scholars, and artists.
- The Collaborations in Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Entrepreneurship (CHASE) Scholars Program is designed to encourage undergraduate research and creative endeavor by providing financial support to four undergraduate students from any discipline enrolled full time at Butler University who are collaborating on a research project with a faculty mentor during the academic year.
- In support of research, scholarship, and creative endeavor of our undergraduate students, travel-to-present and thesis grants help offset the cost of conducting research/creative endeavors and travel to a conference to share the outcomes of student research or creative endeavor with others.