Honors Community Events

Students: Click Image to Access Honors Calendar
One aspect of building an Honors Community is having the opportunity to learn from and alongside fellow honors students and faculty. In order to do this, we offer a variety of Honors Community Events to enhance your Honors experience outside the classroom. These might include lectures, presentations by fellow Honors students, or social events. Honors students are required to participate in at least 8 Honors Community Events by the time they graduate.*
These community events will be announced to all Honors students and may include: Honors course speakers; Honors course presentations; presentations/performances of undergraduate thesis work; cultural events sponsored by the Student Honors Council; and/or special events sponsored by the Honors Program. We strongly encourage Honors students to suggest guest speakers and group outings to special events, lectures, and exhibits—on campus and beyond—related to their honors coursework or thesis research. Also, students should request that the Honors Program office invite fellow honors students and faculty to events related to their honors courses and theses.
*Honors community events are in addition to Butler Cultural Community Events required by the core curriculum.
Students in the Honors Program must attend at least 8 events.
At Honors Community Events there will be a sign-in sheet you should be sure to sign.
Honors Community Events will be announced by the University Honors Program. These may include plays, museum exhibits, concerts, operas, visiting writers, Faculty Brown Bag Series, guest speakers, GHS events, festivals, art fairs, political functions, foreign films, or new ethnic dining experiences.
For students who participate in a study abroad program, the Washington, D.C. Learning Semester, or BSI, please see Dr. Lantzer as these experiences can count for some of your community events.
Check this website for upcoming events. Also be sure to read the listserv emails, because we frequently send out information on interesting events on campus. You can also check us out on Facebook. Please notify the Honors Program Assistant Director with your ideas and suggestions.