Facility Reservations

We have multiple rooms and activity spaces available to rent by Butler students, faculty/staff, alumni and external groups. The rates for each room and/or activity space and services are listed below.

  • Event requests of 75 or more people need to be submitted at least a semester in advance.
  • All other event requests need to be submitted at least two weeks before the date of the event.
  • The facility request does NOT guarantee that the dates and times requested are reserved unless a confirmation is received from the Office of Recreation & Wellness.
  • Arrangements for the fee payment, entrance to the building, and other considerations must be made at least two weeks prior to usage.
  • Please give us 3-5 business days to either confirm or deny a request. Some event requests may require more information/detail, therefore more time.

Internal Groups (Butler faculty, staff, and students): Please use EMS to request a space.

External Groups: If you are interested in reserving a space, please fill out the Facility Request Form. Due to high demand, there is limited space for external groups. Your request may be denied. Requests must be submitted at least two months in advance. External groups are required to sign a contract, provide an insurance certificate ($2 million minimum coverage), and sign assumption of risk and liability forms.

Outdoor Pickleball Courts Reservations

  • Eligibility: The courts are available for use by Butler students, faculty, and staff.
  • Event Booking: Due to high demand, only a limited number of events will be scheduled. All participants must be affiliated with Butler.
  • Request Process: All reservation requests must be submitted to the Assistant Director of Operations (hrc@butler.edu)
  • Court Reservation Limit: A maximum of two courts may be reserved at one time.
  • Fees:
    • Butler Students, Faculty, and Staff: no charge
    • Butler-Sponsored Events: $75 per court, per hour

All Inquiries Contact:

HRC Operations
hrc@butler.edu | 317-940-6073 | 317-940-6153 (fax)