Student Organization Conduct Disclosures

To provide transparency to the Butler University community, the Office of the Dean of Students will disclose if a student organization was found responsible for violating Butler University’s Rules of Conduct in the last five years. By clicking on the organization’s name, the expanded information will include the organization’s status with the University, the semester of a violation, a brief description of the violation, and sanctions that were assigned. Organizations listed below may be Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternities or Panhellenic Association (Panhellenic/PHA) sororities. Please check Butler Engage for a full list of registered student organizations to learn more about available involvement opportunities.

Butler University works closely with each organization’s national or international headquarters and local alumni/ae chapters. We value our close relationships and partnerships with these organizations, and collaborate when organizational conduct reports are received.

Student Organizations

Panhellenic Sororities

IFC Fraternities