Pregnancy and Parenting
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., and the implementing regulations under 34 C.F.R. 106, are Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex—including pregnancy and parental status—in educational programs and activities. This also includes all related conditions, such as abortion, miscarriages, adoption, fostering. The U.S. Department of Education has more information online.
Students should notify the Title IX Coordinator of their or their partner’s pregnancy, pregnancy-related condition, abortion needs, or intent to adopt or foster. Students who adopt or foster children are entitled to the same rights and benefits as birth parents. The Title IX Office can facilitate a coordinated approach to short-term accommodations, maternity or paternity leave, and academic accommodations, due to medical necessity or extraordinary parenting or caretaking responsibilities.
Mothers needing a space on campus for lactation can reserve a room. Two dedicated lactation rooms are available in Jordan Hall (Room 343-C) and Lacy School of Business (LSB 018).
Space is also available at the Service Center, 451 W. 52nd Street.
Reservations for lactation spaces can be made via EMS.
Student Parental Accommodation Policy
Student Parental Accommodation Request Form
Your Body and Title IX Resources
Statement from Butler University:
Indiana’s new abortion law will take effect on September 15, 2022. I understand that this new state law impacts our students differently and on deeply personal levels. I also know these changes bring the potential for additional uncertainty and stress to our students and their partners. I want you to know that we care for you and have many resources available on campus to support you.
Please know that Butler University will continue our long-standing support of students and their healthcare needs. Our on-campus Health Services team remains dedicated to supporting our students and is equipped to provide the best care possible and trustworthy, accurate medical information.
The following list of FAQs are intended to help students understand the new Indiana law and the many support services available at Butler.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How does Indiana’s new abortion law impact college students?
A: The State of Indiana’s new law prohibits abortion with some exceptions, including if a pregnant woman’s life is at risk, lethal fetal anomalies, rape, and incest.
Q: What sexual and reproductive health services does Butler provide for students?
A: Butler Health Services offers many sexual and reproductive health services, including:
- Pregnancy testing
- Contraception education
- Oral contraception
- Emergency contraception (Plan B)
- Long acting, reversible contraceptives (IUDs and implantable device)
- Condoms
- Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medications to help prevent exposure to HIV
- Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Breast exams and pelvic exams
- Pap smears and follow-up counseling for abnormal results
Q: If I take advantage of health services that are available to me, do my parents have the right to that information?
A: Butler Health Services is prevented by law from releasing any medical information to parents of non-minor children without the consent of the patient.
Q: I have health insurance through a provider unaffiliated to Butler. What options do I have?
A: We recommend all students review their insurance plans as all plans provide different coverage, and contact your insurance provider directly with any questions.
Q: Are condoms available for students on campus?
A: Free condoms are available for students in Health Services, from dispensers in HRC restrooms, and also from dispensers in residence halls. In addition, we offer students the option of having free sexual health supplies delivered to their place of residence.
Q: What happens if I want to pursue voluntary termination of pregnancy?
A: Federal law requires that universities provide reasonable accommodations to students based on pregnancy status, including voluntary termination. If you need to miss class due to pregnancy, pregnancy loss, or travel related to voluntary termination of a pregnancy, please contact our Title IX Coordinator at for resources and support.
Q: What mental health resources does Butler offer to students?
A: Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) offers a wide variety of services including individual therapy, group therapy, psychiatric medication management, and a number of outreach and training programs to support students.
Butler has partnered with two Indiana-based companies, Preventia and LifeOmic, to provide free virtual mental health and wellness services for our students, including teletherapy.
Butler students also have free access to Headspace. This mobile app provides mindfulness through guided meditations and exercise to support the mind and body.
A comprehensive list of mental health resources available for Butler students can be found here.
Q: Are there spiritual resources available to me on campus?
A: The Compass Center supports all students through opportunities for meditation, pastoral care, vocational reflection, and more. The Compass Center also offers one-on-one Spiritual Care Conversations to help you process and reflect. These conversations are designed to provide support, without judgment, for students navigating important life moments and questions.
Q: What steps does Butler take to try to prevent sexual assault on campus?
A: Prevention education for Butler students begins before they arrive on campus. All new incoming Butler students complete an interactive online course that provides information about interpersonal violence (sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking) and tools to help students take steps to prevent this type of harm. Students also participate in sexual misconduct prevention programming during new student orientation. Throughout their time at Butler, students will have many opportunities for ongoing prevention education. More information about these opportunities for students can be found on our Sexual Assault Response and Prevention website.
Q: How does a student report sexual misconduct at Butler?
A: If you have experienced sexual misconduct, you are encouraged (but not required) to make a report. If you would like to discuss your reporting options before making a decision, there are several confidential resources available to you on campus. Please note that most employees on campus, other than those confidential resources, are expected to report to the University when they become aware of an incident of sexual misconduct. That expectation is defined in University policy. Reports can be made to the Title IX Coordinator in the following ways:
- Submit an online report form
- In person during business hours at the Title IX Coordinator’s office: Atherton 200
- By phone: 317-940-6509
- Email:
- By postal mail addressed to the Title IX Coordinator, 4600 Sunset Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208
After business hours, reports can be made through the online report form, voicemail, email, or postal mail. Reports can be submitted anonymously. Please note that the University’s ability to respond to anonymous reports may be limited.
Incidents of sexual misconduct can also be reported to law enforcement. This is distinct from reporting to the University. The Title IX Coordinator can also assist with connecting to law enforcement.
- Butler University Police Department (BUPD)
- 525 W. Hampton Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46208
- 317-940-9999 (emergencies) or 317-940-2873 (non-emergencies)
- Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD)
- 911 (emergencies) or 317-327-3811 (non-emergencies)
Please remember that we care about you and are here for you. If you have any medical-related questions, please contact Butler Health Services by phone at 317-940-9385 or by email at so that we can help you.
Dr. Frank E. Ross, III (he, him, his)
Vice President for Student Affairs
Counseling and Consultation Services
Care packages for loss and abortion events are available in the Title IX office.
Please contact the Title IX Coordinator for information regarding the new pregnant and parenting support group.