Lambda Chi Alpha

Core Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Service/Stewardship, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage

Lambda Chi Alpha house, red brick, lattice work, arched doorway.

Established 1909

Supporting Philanthropic Organization(s): Gleaner’s Food Bank and Indianapolis Ballet

Dollars Raised from Fall 2023 – Spring 2024: $31,700

Chapter Nicknames: Lambda Chi

Colors: Purple, green, and gold

Last Year Service Hours
Active and New Members
Fall 2024 GPA

“Lambda Chi Alpha took me in as a boy, and has shaped me into a man. With the incredible leadership experiences I’ve received, I am confident and prepared to graduate and enter the workforce. Lambda Chi has also given me supportive and loving friendships that will last a lifetime. The Alpha Alpha brotherhood is unmatched. I have created a strong alumni network which will serve me in the many years to come. From my experience, I had non-stop fun, while also being shaped into a well-rounded man. From raising tens of thousands of dollars for charity to having a blast in Nashville at formal, the Lambda Chi men create memories that will last a lifetime. My biggest advice for new members is to get involved. Skills like public speaking, organization, and goal setting are extremely important in the real world. All these skills can be practiced at Lambda Chi. The life lessons I have received are because I took advantage of every opportunity. As graduation approaches, I thank Lambda Chi Alpha for giving me everything I could have ever hoped for in a college experience.” – Sam Cibulka