Kappa Alpha Theta

Core Values: Scholarship, commitment to service, developing personal excellence, leadership and sisterhood

Kappa Alpha Theta house, beige brick, three levels, grassy lawn

Established 1870

Supporting Philanthropic Organization(s): Kappa Alpha Theta Foundation and the National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

Dollars Raised from Fall 2023 – Spring 2024: $12,300

Chapter Nicknames: Theta

Colors: Black and gold

Last Year Service Hours
Active and New Members
Fall 2024 GPA

“From the moment I stepped foot on Butler’s campus as a first-year, I met so many amazing girls that I looked up to for a variety of reasons. The one thing all of the girls had in common was that they were in Theta. I saw these girls making a difference in classrooms, in clubs, and just on campus in general. I was intimated, in the best way possible, at the legacy and impact that they were making. Now as a senior looking back on my time at Butler, I can see just why those girls were my role models. First-year Lauryn would me amazed at the person I’ve become, but it’s because each and every member of Theta has pushed me to be a better friend, leader, student, mentor and person. Theta has been there for me through all of the highest highs and the lowest lows, and for that I am eternally grateful. I am beyond lucky to have spent my four years at Butler as a member in Theta, and I know that I have been changed for the better from every challenge, experience, and memory that has been made at 825 West Hampton Drive.” – Lauryn Lintner ’23