Phi Delta Theta

Core Values: Friendship, Sound Learning, and Moral Rectitude

Phi Delta Theta house, beige brick, three floors, turret

Established 1848

Supporting Philanthropic Organization(s): Live Like Lou

Dollars Raised from Fall 2023 – Spring 2024: $89,095

Chapter Nicknames: Phi Delt

Colors: Azure and argent (blue and white)

Last Year Service Hours
Active and New Members
Fall 2024 GPA

“Being a part of Phi Delta Theta here at Butler has truly transformed my life. It has provided a nurturing environment where I’ve grown as a leader, forged lifelong friendships which I am truly thankful for each and every day, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery to understand who I aspire to be in the future. Rather than taking over my life in an unhealthy way, Phi Delt has served as an extension of my college experience, enabling me to create lifelong bonds, gain unforgettable experiences, and develop in ways I couldn’t have imagined, while also being instrumental in supporting my academic endeavors, allowing me to excel in the classroom and achieve the goals that brought me to college in the first place. This fraternity has been a cornerstone of my personal and academic growth and proves to me each and every day why joining it was the best decision I have ever made. ” – Ian Krueger