“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou’s words perfectly encapsulate the sisterhood that runs through the hearts of every Alpha Phi. As time goes on memories will blur, and distance will grow, but my adoration for the women of this sisterhood will weather all storms. In Alpha Phi, I feel safe. Little acts of kindness strengthen our bond and unify us as a sisterhood, but the biggest adversities thrown our way are received with even greater friendship and loyalty. In the spring of my senior year of high school, my mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor and immediately went into a very invasive surgery followed by a year of radiation and chemotherapy. I watched her seize and cry, and did not know what the future held for my family. I was scared, worried, anxious, and often lonely. But the women in Alpha Phi held my hand through it all, and I knew everything would be okay. I reminded myself that God gives the toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, but it sure does help when you have an army. Just last November my roommates and I celebrated my mom’s surgery to get her chemo port taken out, signifying the end of her battle, and she is now fully happy and healthy. It was an emotional day, but I felt so cared for in their embrace. When we fill each other’s pools with reassurance, they overflow and we have more love to share. That is what Alpha Phi is about. We build up, we cheer up, we stand up, and we show up for one another.
– Lexi Schell