The Assessment and Care Team
As part of our commitment to create and nurture a caring community, Butler has an interdepartmental staff group that approaches students who seem to be having difficulties with college adjustment. This group, the Assessment and Care Team, meets bi-weekly throughout the academic year to discuss issues of concern and coordinate support to students. Our goal is to intervene early and offer resources and support.
ACT Membership includes:
Hilary Buttrick, Associate Dean, Lacy School of Business
Kathleen Camire, Director, Student Disability Services
Martha Dziwlik, Dean of Students
Kelly Freiberger, Associate Dean of Students
Maxie Gardner, Director, Health Services
Jules Grable, Director, Student Advocacy
Julie Greger, Retention Specialist, Student Success Center
Gayle Hartleroad, Associate Dean, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Robbie Lopez-Shue, Executive Director, Student Success Center
Angela Mager, Assistant Dean, College of Education
Keith Magnus, Director, Counseling and Consultation Services
Wendy Meaden, Associate Dean, Jordan College of the Arts
Shannon Mulqueen, Director, Residence Life
Jennifer Poor, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Suzanne Reading, Associate Dean, College of Communication
Submit a CARE Report
This form is sent directly to Martha Dziwlik, Dean of Students and convener of the ACT. In lieu of this form, if you would like to speak with Dean Dziwlik about your concern please call 317-940-9470. If your concern requires an emergency response, please contact BUPD at 317-940-9396.
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your submission. Please know that while there may also be a request for additional information or clarification, we may not be able to share specifics about how the report is handled as we work to support the student of concern. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law protects student records and we are bound to honor that.