Registration Errors
Can’t find your class?
Unscheduled Classes
Some classes are not regularly scheduled, such as Independent Study or an Honors Thesis in a particular subject. When a student expresses interest, and arranges with the department to take the course, that arrangement is communicated to Registration and Records on a Blue Card form. The form can be obtained from the student’s advisor. It requires the approval of the advisor and the head of the department offering the course.
Class Changes
The class schedule is dynamic. Changes are constantly being made due to increases in enrollment maximums, instructors being added or becoming unavailable, or insufficient demand. The most accurate indication of class availability is
Registration permission numbers are issued by the instructional departments to allow a student to enroll in a course for which there is some restriction. There are several types of restrictions that are overridden by a permission number:
- Closed Class: When the published maximum number of students has already registered for a class, a few additional seats may be made available.
- Override a Requisite: Many classes have pre-requisite or co-requisite classes. If you do not meet the published requisites, but you feel you are qualified, you might still be allowed to register.
- Zero-limit Class: Many classes are specifically limited to people who obtain permission from the instructor or the department. The error messages are a bit misleading when they say the class is “full”; you just need permission.
For each Spring and Fall semester, enrollment appointments are assigned. This appointment marks the beginning of the time when you may register for classes in Notifications are sent to each student by email to let you know when your appointment occurs. You can also check online at –> PS Campus Solutions –> Student Center. Check the right side of the screen to see when your appointment occurs. You may drop and add classes any time between this data and time and the end of the drop/add period. Check the Academic Calendar for the appropriate year to find that date and time.
After the two-week period of early registration for returning students, a period of Open Registration allows for any continuing student to register, add, or drop classes.
Enrollment appointments are not assigned for Summer Sessions. You may register for summer classes starting February 1.
Registration permission numbers are issued by the instructional departments to allow a student to enroll in a course for which there is some restriction. There are several types of restrictions that are overridden by a permission number:
- Closed Class: When the published maximum number of students has already registered for a class, a few additional seats may be made available.
- Override a Requisite: Many classes have pre-requisite or co-requisite classes. If you do not meet the published requisites, but you feel you are qualified, you might still be allowed to register.
- Zero-limit Class: Many classes are specifically limited to people who obtain permission from the instructor or the department. The error messages are a bit misleading when they say the class is “full;” you just need permission.
Sometimes there is more than one scheduled part for a class, and you must register for both parts at the same time. The occurs with Lectures that have an associated Lab, or occasionally there is a Lecture with an associated Continuance. The section usually identification indicates an association, such as section 01, 01A, and 01B; if you choose the lecture of section 01, you should also choose one of the labs. The system will prompt you to add the lab when you are going through Self Service registration.
Registration permission numbers are issued by the instructional departments to allow a student to enroll in a course for which there is some restriction. There are several types of restrictions that are overridden by a permission number:
- Closed Class: When the published maximum number of students has already registered for a class, a few additional seats may be made available.
- Override a Requisite: Many classes have pre-requisite or co-requisite classes. If you do not meet the published requisites, but you feel you are qualified, you might still be allowed to register.
- Zero-limit Class: Many classes are specifically limited to people who obtain permission from the instructor or the department. The error messages are a bit misleading when they say the class is “full;” you just need permission.
Butler has a few classes which incorporate two or three courses in one meeting with one teacher. The individual classes each have enrollment limits, and the combined class also has a limit, generally higher. It is less obvious when a combined class has reached its enrollment limit, since you generally see the limits for the individual classes. The solution is to seek enrollment permission from the department.
Registration permission numbers are issued by the instructional departments to allow a student to enroll in a course for which there is some restriction. There are several types of restrictions that are overridden by a permission number:
- Closed Class: When the published maximum number of students has already registered for a class, a few additional seats may be made available.
- Override a Requisite: Many classes have pre-requisite or co-requisite classes. If you do not meet the published requisites, but you feel you are qualified, you might still be allowed to register.
- Zero-limit Class: Many classes are specifically limited to people who obtain permission from the instructor or the department. The error messages are a bit misleading when they say the class is “full;” you just need permission.
Each college has a maximum number of credit hours that a full time undergraduate student may take in a semester.
- Lacy School of Business: 18
- College of Communication: 18
- College of Education: 20
- Jordan College of the Arts: 20
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: 18
- College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences:
- Undergraduate: 20
- Graduate: 22
If you wish to take more classes than the maximum for your program, please see the Dean’s office of your school to get approval to override the max, and return the signed Enrollment Change form to Registration and Records at Jordan Hall, Room 180.
Keep in mind that for most students, additional fees apply when you enroll for more than 20 credit hours in a semester. See Student Accounts for more details.
Generally, you cannot enroll in two sections of the same class. If you are changing from one section to another, drop the existing section before adding the new one, or use a “swap” transaction. If this is a lab and a lecture, you should request the lecture first and include the lab as a related class. If you are trying to enroll in two sections of a class where each section is a special topic, contact Registration and Records or the department that offers the class to see if that should be allowed.
Registration permission is issued by the instructional departments to allow a student to enroll in a course for which there is some restriction. There are several types of restrictions that are overridden by enrollment permission:
- Closed Class: When the published maximum number of students has already registered for a class, a few additional seats may be made available.
- Override a Requisite: Many classes have pre-requisite or co-requisite classes. If you do not meet the published requisites, but you feel you are qualified, you might still be allowed to register.
- Zero-limit Class: Many classes are specifically limited to people who obtain permission from the instructor or the department. The error messages are a bit misleading when they say the class is “full”; you just need permission.
Co-requisite classes must be taken in the same semester. The system enforces this my requiring that you register for both at the same time. You may not add one without also adding the other. Conversely, you may not drop one without also dropping the other. Error messages often refer to just “requisites”, so it may not be obvious that it is a co-requisite that is missing. Look for “Enrollment Information” in the Enrollment or Add process, or check the course catalog description for the course(s) getting this error.
If you have already taken one of the co-requisite courses, or if you are not able to schedule both in one semester, a permission number is required to enroll in only one.
Butler uses a system of academic and financial “Holds” to insure that tasks are handled in an appropriate order. Registration and Records cannot remove any holds.
- Advising Hold: For most students, an “Advising Hold” will be placed on your records about three weeks before the beginning of Registration for a new semester. Once you discuss your academic options with your advisor, he or she will remove the hold. If you still have an Advising Hold and you have already talked with your advisor, you must talk to your advisor or your department head.
- Verify Contact Information Hold: Once a year, students are asked to provide Emergency Contact Information and DawgAlert Contact Information. Students who do not live on campus must provide a local address and are required to review that address and confirm that it is still correct once each year. Learn more about the Verify Contact Information requirement.
- Other Holds: Additional information about your holds is available. Look under the heading “My Personal Data” on the “My Student Data Home Page” that you went through as you navigated to the Enrollment process. Contact the office which placed the hold.