Articulation Agreement Pathways

Butler University has partnered with a variety of institutions to create structured articulation pathways for students who are interested in continuing their education and earning a bachelor’s degree.

These pathways allow students to smoothly transfer credits earned from their associate’s degree to complete their bachelor’s degree at Butler, saving students time and money. Students can rest assured knowing that the credits they earned at Ivy Tech will seamlessly transfer to Butler and put them on a quick path to earning their bachelor’s degree.

Butler currently offers 18 different articulation pathways in subjects ranging from education to English to business, and more. View the transfer equivalencies and explore your options below.

Ivy Tech

Campus Group Inc.

College of DuPage

Cuyahoga Community College

Dallas College

Harper College

Hartford Community College

Sinclair Community College

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

St. Charles Community College

Verto Education (University of New Haven)


Discover how courses commonly transfer to Butler University by utilizing Transferology, a self-service website where students can explore their transfer options.