Librarians & Staff

Dean of Libraries
BA Media Studies / DePaul University, 2004
MS Library & Information Science / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
Resource Sharing Committee, Indiana State Library
Shared Collections Committee, Academic Libraries of Indiana
Collection Management Team, Private Academic Library Network of Indiana
Association of College & Research Libraries
American Library Association
Resource & Systems Strategies

Undergrad: Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Development.
Graduate: Master of Science in Library and Information Science.

Jennifer is an Associate Professor and the Head of Resource & System Strategies at Butler University Libraries. She provides leadership in all aspects of library technical services, physical and electronic collection management, and ensures the functionality and futures of library systems. She is the liaison to the Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and Religion & Philosophy departments, providing information literacy instruction sessions with Butler University students and faculty. Jennifer holds a Master of Science in Information Studies from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Michigan State University. For Jennifer’s full CV, please see her profile on the Faculty Scholarship Profile website of Digital Commons.
I serve Butler University Libraries as the Scholarly Communications Associate in the Collections and Digital Services department. I am responsible for the support, maintenance, and uploading of materials into Digital Commons @ Butler University, the institutional repository for Butler University. I also manage Pure, our Research Information Management System (RIMS), which displays the Faculty Scholarship profiles. I assist in facilitating and distributing the research and creative output of the faculty, staff, and students to the larger academic community. I also contribute to instruction in digital humanities, primary source research, and copyright. Additionally, I work closely with the Scholarly Communication team, including the Scholarly Communications Librarian, focusing on digital initiatives, including open educational resources and digitization efforts for Butler University.

Jenni provides research and instructional support to the formal and natural sciences as well as the College of Education. She earned her Masters in Library Science from Texas Woman’s University and a BA in English Composition from Texas A&M University. She holds teacher certifications in the State of Colorado and a Comptia A+ IT certification. Before coming to Butler, Jenni has served in various roles in corporate, academic, school, and public libraries focused on technology, STEM programming, instruction, and technical services.

Brittany is an information professional who is passionate about health sciences information instruction, research, and support. She provides a wide variety of educational support to students, faculty, and staff in health sciences information literacy in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Speech, Language, and Hearing Science, and First Year Seminar courses. She earned her Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a BA in French from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Before coming to Butler, Brittany worked in many roles at the Strauss Health Sciences Library at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado for over eleven years. Her research interests include information-seeking behavior and user experience, reference and instruction, scholarly communication, and graphic medicine. Her latest research can be found in Medical Reference Services Quarterly.
Special Collections
Public Services
Emeriti Faculty
Teresa Williams – Associate Professor Emeritus, 2025
Janice Gustaferro – Associate Professor Emeritus, 2024
Dr. Sally Childs-Helton – Professor Emeritus, 2022
Barb Howes – Associate Professor Emeritus, 2021
Sheri Stormes – Professor Emeritus, 2020
Lewis Miller – Professor Emeritus, 2012
Virginia Rumph – Associate Professor Emeritus, 2015