Research Papers
Any research paper in the School of Music may be repurposed for one succeeding paper. However, under the faculty advisor’s guidance, the second paper must be expanded or reconsidered appreciably according to the level and purpose of the paper.
Style Manual for Research Papers
The Chicago Manual of Style, current edition, will be the reference for matters of style and bibliography for all School of Music writing; it is available online through the Irwin Library homepage at Students may also consult two style guides that derive from the Chicago Manual, Kate L. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and Dissertations (available in Irwin Library: PN203 .T8 1996) or Richard Wingell’s Writing About Music: An Introductory Guide (ML3797.W54 2002) as resources to assist in the preparation of all research papers. The authority on spelling and usage is the Oxford English Dictionary, available through the Irwin Library homepage at