Miscellaneous School of Music Policies & Information
The School of Music holds a weekly “Convocation Hour.” Currently scheduled for Thursdays at 1:00 pm, convocation varies in format: “open” student recitals featuring a mixture of instruments and voices, in both solos and ensembles; guest lectures or recitals; general information and career development sessions; etc.
Students desiring to perform on a convocation recital should complete the Convocation Performance Request Form and return it to the School of Music office, Lilly Hall room 229, two weeks prior to the desired performance date.
In effect Fall, 2015:
Attendance at Convocation is required. One unexcused absence per semester is allowed. A second unexcused absence in a single semester requires attendance at one additional music event; this event is added to the regular Performance Attendance Requirements for music majors. A third absence in the same semester requires attendance at 3 additional music events. For each additional absence, attendance at 3 music events will be required (for example, a fourth absence requires an additional 6 event attendances). Students enrolled in 4-year degree programs must complete 8 semesters of convocation attendance; students enrolled in 5-year degree programs must complete 10 semesters. Students are exempt from the requirement for semesters of student teaching or studying abroad.
Hall lockers are assigned by the JCA receptionist (Lilly Hall Main Office) for use during the academic year. JCA-issued locks must be used on the lockers. Students must clean out their locker by Commencement day in May; any items left in the locker after Commencement will be discarded.
Instrument lockers are assigned at “The Cage” (the School of Music main instrument storage room located in Lilly Hall, room 198) for use during the academic year. JCA-issued locks must be used on the lockers. Lockers are available in different sizes and are assigned on a first come, first served basis, although music majors are given priority over non-majors. Students must clean out their locker by Commencement day in May; any items left in the locker after Commencement become the property of the School of Music.
Lilly Hall practice rooms are for the use of Butler University and Butler Community Arts School students, faculty, and staff only. Anyone using a practice room must be prepared to show a valid Butler University I.D. if asked.
University-owned band and orchestra instruments are available for students for a user’s fee of $30.00 per semester. This fee is assessed only once each semester for the multiple instruments utilized in the music education instrumental methods classes.
Ensemble directors reserve the right to waive this fee when a student is assigned to play a university-owned instrument for a performance by a Butler University ensemble.
Students are responsible for the care of these instruments and will be charged the applicable insurance deductible should one of these instruments be lost or damaged while in their care. Instruments must be returned immediately following Commencement in May.
- Paige’s – 5282 E. 65th Street, 317-842-2102, www.paigesmusic.com
- Musicians Repair and Sales – 332 N. Capitol Avenue, 317-635-6274, www.musiciansrepair.com
Sheet Music
- Eble – 319-338-0313 (mail order), www.eble.com
- JW Pepper – 5282 E. 65th Street, 317-577-3426, www.jwpepper.com
- Encore Orchestral Strings at Paige’s Music, 5282 E. 65th Street, 317-577-3434, www.encoreorchestral.com
- Mark Russell – 317-595-9144
- Indianapolis Violins – 310 N. Alabama St., B110, 317-624-0441, www.indyviolins.com
- Nick Brightman – nicksaxfix@gmail.com (all)
- Indy Flute Shop at Paige’s Music, 5282 E. 65th Street, 317-813-2044, indyfluteshop.com
- Jim Laslie/Paul Nordby – 317-862-6193, pnordby@aol.com (bassoons)
- Ortwein Woodwinds – 1001 Hosbrook Street, 317-460-5101, www.ortweinwoodwinds.com
- Pro Winds – 1-877-855-0907, www.prowinds.com
- Sorley Horns – 7295 W. Road 350 N, Bargersville, IN, 317-258-2718, www.sorleyhorns.com
- Chop’s Percussion at Paige’s Music, 5282 E. 65th Street, 317-813-2070, www.chopspercussion.com
All students, both undergraduate and graduate, who teach privately (except as required for a class such as Vocal Pedagogy) must do so through the Butler Community Arts School, for liability reasons.
All School of Music students are eligible to apply for “Teaching Fellow” positions with the Butler Community Arts School (BCAS). BCAS is an arts education and outreach program that provides instruction in the performing arts to young people in the greater Indianapolis community. Instruction is provided by carefully selected JCA students; faculty offer mentoring, guidance, and administrative support. BCAS has the dual mission of providing quality arts instruction at an affordable price while also providing community involvement and diverse teaching experiences for JCA students.
BCAS works with fifteen community partners to offer private lessons and group classes at various community sites, as well as on campus in Lilly Hall. During the summer, BCAS offers thirteen camps as well as summer lessons. BCAS teaching positions are available to undergraduate and graduate students, and are paid positions.
If interested, an interview is the first step. Please contact the BCAS director, Karen Thickstun, to set up an interview. Stop by Lilly Hall 267 or email BCAS@butler.edu.
Because of the enormous amount of money we spend replacing music, we will begin strictly enforcing the following policy:
A member of any School of Music ensemble must return all music to the ensemble librarian immediately following the group’s final performance. If the music has not been returned after three (3) days, a fee of $25 will be assessed and a hold placed on the student’s account. The fee will increase accordingly for a rental part, music book, or other expensive scores, or if numerous parts are missing. If the music is returned within ten (10) days, the fee will be cancelled and the hold removed. Otherwise the music is assumed to be lost, and the hold can only be removed after payment has been received. Be reminded that this kind of hold will prohibit graduation, class registration, etc. If the missing piece is a rental piece that causes a late fee or some other penalty fee to be assessed, that fee is also the responsibility of the student.
Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra:
- Option #1 – Tux, white dress shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund or vest, black dress shoes, black socks
- Option#2 –Floor or tea length formal black gown with long or 3/4 length sleeves OR floor or tea length black skirt or dressy pants and dressy black blouse with long or 3/4 length sleeves, black dress shoes, black hose or socks.
- NOTE: Pants must be formal trousers, floor-length, loose fitting or tailored, but not body hugging (no spandex, stirrup pants, leggings, or Capri’s, for example). Blouses and dresses with low necklines and/or revealing backs are not appropriate.
Symphonic Band:
- Option #1 – All black. Any “nice” black is acceptable: dress slacks (no jeans), short or long sleeve shirt (either with a collar or crew neck), sweater, jacket, tie, skirt, dress. Black shoes and socks/hosiery.
- Option#2 –Floor or tea length formal black gown with long or 3/4 length sleeves OR floor or tea length black skirt or dressy pants and dressy black blouse with long or 3/4 length sleeves, black dress shoes, black hose or socks. NOTE: Pants must be formal trousers, floor-length, loose fitting or tailored, but not body hugging (no spandex, stirrup pants, leggings, or Capri’s, for example). Blouses and dresses with low necklines and/or revealing backs are not appropriate.
- NOTE: While the above dress codes mirror professional practice in our field (it is the dress code for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra), we do not intend it to be gender specific or restrictive; the only requirement is that you wear whichever option you feel is most appropriate.
Choral Ensembles:
- All performers will wear solid black outfits in formal concert performances. There may be some variety from one singer to the next, but the following guidelines apply to all:
- Black long-sleeved top with a relatively close fitting neckline (ie: blouse or collared shirt)
- Black floor-length slacks/pants/skirt/dress
- Black socks/hosiery
- Black shoes (with black soles; no athletic shoes; no high heels; no open toed/sandals)
- Jackets/ties not required
- Permissible jewelry is a simple post-style earring; no pendant earrings or other jewelry
Composers Orchestra:
- Any tasteful combination of red and black attire!
Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Ensembles, Jazz Combos:
- All black. Any “nice” black is acceptable: dress slacks (no jeans), short or long sleeve shirt (either with a collar or crew neck), sweater, jacket, tie, skirt, dress. Black shoes and socks/hosiery.