Americans with Disabilities Act

It is the policy and practice of Butler University to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. When an employee has a disability under the ADA that limits their ability to perform the essential functions of their job, Butler University will provide reasonable accommodations when necessary.

Accommodations are individualized and developed on a case-by-case basis. Specific adjustments are determined through a review of documentation from a qualified provider in conjunction with a review of the essential functions of the individual’s job.

Requesting an Accommodation

If an employee believes that a disability is impacting their ability to perform their job, it is the employee’s responsibility to initiate an accommodation request by either discussing with their supervisor or contacting the ADA Accommodations Case Manager in HR by emailing (this is a confidential email inbox). Reporting the disability to any other department or representative of the University will not initiate the official procedure needed to establish eligibility for an accommodation.

As every accommodation request is individually reviewed and considered, once an employee has initiated a request, the ADA Accommodations Case Manager will begin the interactive process with the employee to determine what might be reasonable and appropriate. The ADA Accommodations Case Manager will consult with the University 504 Coordinator as needed. See the ADA Interactive Process Flowchart more information on what to expect during the Interactive Process.

Forms for Accommodation Requests

Please submit all forms to the ADA Accommodations Case Manage via the confidential mailbox at; medical information shared will not be shared outside of the Benefits & Wellness team. Supervisors will only be notified of specific needs; no medical information or diagnoses will be disclosed.

Butler Employee Accommodation Request Form – To be completed by employee and clinician(s) qualified to make and manage the diagnosis. Documentation from a family member, even if qualified professional, cannot be accepted. Documentation should state a diagnosis and the functional limitations of the disability within the job setting.

The form is a guideline for submitting documentation to establish eligibility for accommodations. Other forms of documentation may be accepted but should include the information sought in the form linked above.  

Once the ADA Accommodations Case Manager has received all required documents, they will follow up with the employee directly to discuss next steps.

Interactive Process – What to Expect – The interactive workplace accommodations process requires an individualized assessment of each request. This chart provides a framework of the steps taken in most cases, but individual cases may vary. If you have any questions, need an accommodation, or work with or supervise someone that you believe might require an accommodation, please contact the Benefits & Wellness team directly at 317-940-9355 or

Service Dogs as Accommodations

Employees who have service dogs may have their dog with them on campus to the extent that the dog is providing a direct service to the employee. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. To reduce the number of inquiries an employee with a service dog may receive, employees should notify the ADA Accommodations Case Manager if they intend to regularly bring a service dog with them to campus. The ADA Accommodations Case Manager will notify the employee’s supervisor. Please refer to the Service Animal Policy for more information on Service Animals on campus. Any individual with a service dog on campus is expected to adhere to the regulations set forth in this policy.

Appeal Procedure

The Appeal Procedure is available to all Butler employees who believe they have been discriminated against based on their disability or denied access or accommodations required by disability laws. There are two procedures available to address employee disability-related complaints, depending on the nature of the complaint. The two processes intended for complaints by employees include:

  • Employee Accommodation Appeal: The procedure for resolving disputes regarding requested workplace accommodations, auxiliary aids or services, assistive technology, or reasonable modification of position duties in a timely and effective manner, failure to provide an approved accommodation, or access-related concerns.
  • Bias Report: The procedure for reporting an allegation of harassment or other form of discrimination based on disability that is unrelated to access or accommodation. If you are seeking to file a Bias Report, please fill out the Bias Report Form.

Note: This procedure is not applicable for employees initially seeking accommodations. Faculty or staff with a disability that may require an accommodation are responsible for initiating an accommodation request by either discussing with their supervisor or contacting the ADA Accommodations Case Manager in HR by emailing (this is a confidential email inbox). Reporting the disability to any other department or representative of the University will not initiate the official procedure needed to establish eligibility for an accommodation.