Teachers of English Learner Licensure
Butler’s Teachers of English Learner Licensure is a 15-credit hour graduate level plan of study that prepares educators to effectively instruct, support, and advocate for English Learners/Emergent Bilingual students. The program is designed for licensed Indiana educators who wish to add the TEL license to the existing Indiana license. Graduates of the program will be prepared for add-on TEL licensure at the developmental level indicated on the initial license. The program cost is $435 per credit hour. We are proud to partner with the Indiana Teaching English Learners Licensure Program (I-TELL), which can provide tuition assistance for people who work in Indiana schools. Visit the Financial Aid website for more information or for a full breakdown on cost of university attendance, click here.
- We are accepting applications NOW for the Fall 2025 semester cohort.
- Applications are due by August 13, 2025. Classes begin August 27, 2025.
Skills gained through our program, include:
- Planning and delivering culturally and linguistically responsive curriculum and instruction
- Assessing and monitoring EL language and academic progress
- Providing research-informed literacy intervention support to ELs
- Integrating academic language development throughout instructional programs
- Differentiating between normal second language acquisition and learning disabilities
- Taking on instructional leadership positions and advocating for ELs
Plan of Study
This course focuses on the cultural practices and norms that affect the language development and academic success of multilingual learners who are learning English as a new language. The conditions that inhibit and support learning both English and content will be analyzed.
This course will assist in understanding effective content-based teaching in a pluralistic, multilingual society. An understanding of socio-linguists and second language acquisition will frame an analysis of curriculum, materials, instructional strategies, assessments and classroom management. Students are required to complete a field experience in a setting with culturally and linguistically diverse students.
This course focuses on effective teaching of reading in elementary and secondary settings. The course involves supervised field work.
This course will explore the socio-psycholinguistic factors that influence how multilingual learners acquire English as a new language in terms of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will learn how to assess second language acquisition and literacy development.
This course examines formal and informal assessment and their application to writing Individual Education Plans (IEPs), curriculum modifications and adaptations (academic and social), behavior management plans and reports to families. Assessment bias and its implications will be studied. Offered in Summer Session Two.
Program Highlights
Butler’s Teachers of English Learner Licensure is a 15-credit hour graduate level plan of study that prepares educators to effectively instruct, support, and advocate for English Learners/Emergent Bilingual students.