School Counseling Faculty & Staff

Dr. Abel currently serves as Associate Dean of Graduate and Adult Learning Programs in the College of Education. He first joined the faculty as Assistant Professor in 2013, obtained tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor in spring 2019, and served as Chair of COE Graduate Learning & Teaching Teams and Director of the MS in School Counseling program from 2019 to 2024. Prior to starting at Butler, Dr. Abel worked as a professional school counselor at the elementary and high school levels, and he earned an EdD in Counselor Education and Supervision from Minnesota State University – Mankato in 2013 following completion of his dissertation titled, Academic Resilience in African American & Latina(o) High School Students: A Study of GPA, Emotional Intelligence, & Perceptions of Discrimination. Dr. Abel is interested in teaching and research that supports the effectiveness of school counselors, including the efficacy of specific interventions, the use of data and evidence-based approaches, and strategies to build comprehensive school counseling programs. Dr. Abel is also active on many university committees and workgroups and has a keen interest in expanding graduate studies within COE and across the university.

Dr. Keller began his counselor education career at Butler University in 1997. His leadership assisted in getting initial national accreditation (CACREP) for the school counseling program in 1998, and continued re-accreditation up through 2021. The school counseling program has been recognized with the NCACES Innovative Program Award, and is a nationally known top tier program. Professionally, Dr. Keller has served as the President of the Indiana School Counseling Association, ASCA delegate member, NBCC Board of Directors, and has chaired site teams for CACREP accreditation at 20+ different universities. He has received several awards, including the College of Education Richard Guyer Professor of Education and the Indiana Exemplary Counselor Educator of the Year. He currently is the Director of the School Counseling Program and along with his colleagues, presents at state/national conferences, conducts research, and actively contributes to the counseling profession.

Dr. Brandie Oliver is an Associate Professor in the School Counseling Program at Butler University. Prior to her current role, she worked as a middle school counselor but also has experience at the elementary and high school levels. Brandie sees her role as a resource and support for Professional School Counselors as well as an advocate and source of positive change for all students, parents, and educators. She presents at state, regional, and national conferences, and provides professional development to educators, and collaborates with other educational fields to emphasize the importance of working across disciplines for compelling and long-term change. Her specific areas of interest include the development of comprehensive school counseling programs, school culture and restorative practices, culturally responsive practices, suicide prevention/intervention, and implementing social-emotional learning within an MTSS framework. Dr. Oliver is dedicated to the training and professional development of all educators that strive to be change agents in PK-12 education.
Dr. Oliver has also served families at Brooke’s Place for Grieving Young People as a support group facilitator for grieving teens and as an individual grief counselor in the Therapy Services program. She is involved both at the national and state level, serving on the Evidence-Based School Counseling Advisory Board, the Indiana School Counselor Association Board, and served on the Presidential Advisory Board for the American Counseling Association.