Accreditation & Awards
Accreditation is a process used by higher education to evaluate colleges, universities, and educational programs for quality and to assess their efforts toward continuous quality improvement. The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) has annual reporting measures which are used to provide information to the public on both program outcome and program impact. Following is the list of CAEP measures with links to data tables that provide supporting evidence for each measure:
Reporting Measure | EPP Descriptor |
1. Completer Effectiveness (Initial) R4.1 | The EPP uses a performance portfolio assessment to analyze our program impact through teacher effectiveness measures. Source: Performance Portfolio Report – Spring 2023 Indiana Department of Education annually surveys principals of first and second year teachers who completed teacher preparation programs in Indiana. Source: IDOE Principal Survey: 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
2. Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement (Initial and Advanced) R4.2, R5.3, RA4.1 | Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement at Butler University includes surveys of employers and partnerships. The School Counseling Employer Survey is administered every 3 years and was administered in Fall 2022. Indiana Department of Education annually surveys principals of first and second year teachers who completed teacher preparation programs in Indiana. Source: School Counseling Employer Survey: Fall 2022 | Fall 2019 IDOE Principal Survey: 2023 |2022| 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 Partnerships |
3. Candidate competency at completion (Initial and Advanced) R3.3 | TITLE II mandates annual reporting of enrollees officially admitted to the EPP teacher preparation program and completers of the program. The data is reported to the Federal Government in the Institutional Program Report Card (IPRC). Source: TITLE II reports (5 years) Traditional: 2024 (data for 2022-2023), 2023 (data for 2021-2022), 2022 (data for 2020-2021), 2021 (data for 2019-2020), 2020 (data for 2018-2019) | 2019 (data for 2017-2018) | 2018 (data for 2016-17) Alternative: 2024 (data for 2022-2023), 2023 (data for 2021-2022), 2022 (data for 2020-2021), 2021 (data for 2019-2020), 2020 (data for 2018-2019) | 2019 (data for 2017-2018) | 2018 (data for 2016-17) Indiana requires the ETS Content Area exam for licensure. The attached chart indicates passing scores on the ETS exam for 2 years. Source: ETS Core Content Area Assessment Pass Rates by Program edTPA Scores – In addition to licensure testing, candidates are assessed with a teacher performance portfolio that measures planning, instruction, and assessment. Required portfolio submission was paused in the 2020-2021 academic year due to the pandemic. The 2019-2020 and 2021-22 reports are available here. Source: edTPA Task Scores 2022-23 | edTPA Task Scores 2021-22 | edTPA Task Scores 2019-2020 Indiana House Bill 1388 requires EPPs to report the following information annually: -Testing – Content and Pedagogical Knowledge -Candidate Selection-at entrance to Teacher Education and at Completion of program -Impact Program – Attrition Rate, Principal Survey, Teacher Survey, % of Teachers Achieving Highly Effective or Effective Rating Source: House Bill 1388 | 2023 EPP Comparative Data Matrix | 2022 EPP Comparative Data Matrix Licenses are issued by the Indiana Department of Education. A chart through August 2022 is attached. Source: Licenses issued | 7 years |
4. Ability of completers to be hired (in positions for which they have prepared) | The annual EPP placement rate is 100% of those licensed and seeking employment. Source: Placement reports (9 years): 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21 | 2019-20 | 2018-19 | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | 2014-15 |
The Butler University College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) from April 27, 2020 to June 30, 2027. The following programs are nationally recognized:
Initial licensure level: Elementary Education K-6, English Education 5-12, Foreign Language Education (French, German, Spanish) 5-12, Health Education P-12, Mathematics Education 5-12, Physical Education P-12, Social Studies Education 5-12, Science Education (Life Science, Chemistry, Physics) 5-12, Special Education Mild Intervention minor K-6, *Mild Intervention P-12 (post baccalaureate), Teachers of English Learners (ENL) (baccalaureate), *Teachers of English Learners (ENL) (post baccalaureate)
Advanced licensure level: Educational Administration – Building Level Administrator P-12
*New programs added since last CAEP review.

The MS in School Counseling program has been continuously accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) since 1997. This accreditation is the highest mark of quality for graduate programs in counseling and ensures that the learning environment, faculty, curriculum, students services, and field experiences meet the foundational national standards agreed to by educators across the country and assessed by CACREP every 8 years. The program’s current accreditation runs through October 2024 and is expected to be extended an additional 6 years prior to that time. All three full-time faculty members in the program have also been trained as site-team members for CACREP and regularly assist in reviewing other counseling programs nationwide to ensure they meet CACREP standards.
Accreditation is a process used by higher education to evaluate colleges, universities, and educational programs for quality and to assess their efforts toward continuous quality improvement. The College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Master of Science in School Counseling program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). Both accreditation bodes require annual reporting measures that provide information to the public on both program outcomes and impact.
- AACTE (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education)
- 2019 AACTE Best Practice Award in Support of Global and International Perspectives, Butler University’s Global Network for Teacher Preparation
- 2016 AACTE Edward C. Pomeroy Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teacher Education, Dean Emerita, Dr. Ena Shelley
- Brooke’s Place
- 2018 Legacy of Hope Award, in recognition of outstanding commitment to transforming the lives of grieving children
- AILACTE (The Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education)
- 2015 Model of Excellence Award, Quality II: Partnerships