
Many SDS students have approved accommodations for exams and quizzes; some students receive extended time, while others simply need a distraction-reduced environment. SDS can administer exams in the SDS testing center in JH 136 for students who choose to use their testing accommodations.

Process for instructions on how to set extended time limits for online exams:

Process for using testing accommodations:

  • If they want to utilize their testing accommodation for a particular quiz or exam, SDS students will initiate the process by submitting an electronic Accommodated Exam Request Form. SDS will confirm the student’s eligibility for accommodations prior to forwarding the request to the instructor for confirmation.
  • The subject line of the email notification to instructors will state “SDS Exam Request Submitted—Response Needed.” When you respond to the accommodated exam request, the online form will allow you to attach and upload your exam for secure transmission to SDS.
  • Your quick response to exam requests is appreciated, as it allows SDS to make the necessary exam arrangements in the timely manner required. We encourage you to respond to the request even if your exam is not yet ready to be uploaded. The system will allow you to revisit the request form to upload your exam later; alternatively, you can drop off exams in JH 136 in person.
  • We request a week’s advanced notice for accommodated exams in order to allow time to make the necessary preparations. However, we are legally advised to deliver exams with less notice and SDS will gladly do so as long as space and proctoring requirements allow.

SDS calculates extended time limits based upon the amount of time the instructor indicates that the other students in the class actually receive for the completion of the exam. If you make a planned or spontaneous decision to change exam time allotments, SDS must be notified immediately so that extended time limits can be properly recalculated. Contact SDS at 317-940-9308 or sds@butler.edu

Because many students with testing accommodations are allowed extended time on their exams, it is sometimes necessary for students to adjust exam start times. This allows them to access their full-allotted time without missing other classes. Because SDS closes each day at 5:00 PM, students will need to alter their exam start time for evening classes or classes for which their extended time will go beyond 5:00 PM. We ask that students discuss this with their instructor before submitting their test request form in order to avoid confusion.