Refund Policy (two types)
Refund of tuition charge
When students withdraw at certain times indicated on the Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule, the student receives a credit of the tuition cost for the courses dropped. If the student withdraws from the University, a refund of tuition may be applied to the student account. Students who pay tuition via the monthly payment plan and who withdraw before the account is paid in full are NOT relieved from payment of the amount due and will be credited according to the refund schedule.
Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule-Fall 2024
Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule-Fall 2024 SESSIONS
Review Academic Calendar here for applicable programs.
Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule-Spring 2025
Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule-Spring 2025 SESSIONS
Review Academic Calendar here for applicable programs.
For information regarding the Institutional Tuition Refund Schedule(s) for summer courses, please contact the Office of Student Accounts directly at or 317-940-9353.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the University’s refund policies, if any disciplinary action results in the suspension or expulsion of a student from Butler University, housing or any activity, the University may refuse to refund, in whole or in part, the student’s tuition, fees or room and board charges. Residence Life handles any credits of room and board charges when withdrawal occurs during the semester. Students should direct any question regarding a room and/or board refund to Residence Life.
Tuition Insurance
To give all Butler University students an opportunity to protect their investment in higher education, Butler University has partnered with Allianz Tuition Insurance, provided by GradGuard, a service of Next Generation Insurance Group. GradGuard’s optional tuition insurance must be purchased prior to the first day of classes for the fall or spring term(s).
Refund for credit balance on account
The Office of Student Accounts processes refunds by request (in most instances) for students with credit balances on their student account. Please click on Navigation to Submit Refund Request & Important Information below for further details.
The first available date to release spring 2025 refunds: January 28, 2025
Are you anticipating a refund for spring 2025? The first available date to release refunds for the spring 2025 term is January 28, 2025. To be included in the first “round” of refunds available January 28, 2025, requests must be submitted by January 20, 2025. The account must be cleared to refund and indicate a refundable credit balance at the time of review. Refund requests for enrolled students must be submitted via Requests submitted January 21 – January 28 will be available January 31, 2025. Requests submitted after January 30th, 2025 will be processed weekly while classes are in session. Requests must be submitted by Tuesday evening for refunds to be released Friday of the same week, if the account is cleared to refund and indicates a refundable credit balance at the time of review.
Refund requests for enrolled students must be submitted via the student’s account.
Student navigation to submit refund request:
- Log into
- Click on the PS Campus Solutions tile
- Click on the Refund Request: Current Student tile
- Click on Fill out a new form (top left)
- Select current term from drop down menu
- Complete Mailing Address (even if enrolled in direct deposit option) and Amount Requested.
- If you want the full amount of the credit on your account, leave the Amount Requested blank.
- Click SAVE, then SUBMIT.
- Note: “Approved” under the “Approval Status” indicates the refund request has been submitted and does NOT indicate a refund will be processed. Refunds are subject to approval AFTER the account has been reviewed and the account cleared to refund.
Direct deposit is available for student refunds.
Student navigation to enroll in direct deposit (this is a separate navigation from submitting a refund request):
- Log into their
- Select PS Campus Solutions
- Select Student Center
- Select Student Refund Direct Deposit tile
- Select Enroll in Direct Deposit
- Enter your routing number and checking or savings account number.
- Agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement.
- Submit!
Direct deposit is easy, convenient, safe, and saves valuable time. Don’t delay—enroll today!
Please note: Enrollment in direct deposit for student refunds is completely separate from enrollment in direct deposit for payroll checks.
- Refund checks are mailed to students’ CAMPUS or LOCAL address during the academic year if direct deposit isn’t utilized.
- Students: Please make sure your personal information (including your HOME & LOCAL address) is correct in your account. Please check the steps to view or edit your information. Do you need to verify your local address?
- The account must be cleared to process a refund and a credit balance must be on the account at the time of review.
- Two refunds are permitted per term. Some exceptions apply (federal Title IV funds).
- A refund request isn’t necessary if the credit balance on the account is created due to federal (Title IV) funds. However, to ensure the full amount of the credit balance on the account is processed, a refund request is recommended.
- Refunds are processed weekly while classes are in session. In most instances, requests submitted by end of day Tuesday will be processed and mailed or directly deposited Friday of the same week provided the account is cleared to refund at the time of review. Exceptions to our weekly process at the beginning of the fall and spring terms apply.
- Tuition is set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event that instruction occurs remotely for any part of the academic year.