Resources & Links
American Institute of Physics (AIP) and American Physical Society are sources for a great deal of information including employment and education statistics, news, events, speakers, special topics, and much more.
Graduate School
Grad School Shopper contains many data sheets for available physics and astrophysics graduate programs. This is going to be something you’ll want to spend a lot of time with as you begin to think about grad school.
Note: We have past official GRE Physics exams in the department. Ask Dr. Kosik or Dr. Murphy about where to find them. Do not use the purple book by REA. provide hints on preparing for the GRE.
Summer Research
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) are a great way to get research experience. They are summer paying programs held at schools across the nation.
American Geophysical Union
Physical Reference Data contains any physics information that you could ever need; e.g., constants, spectra, atomic characteristics, half lives, etc.