Muslim Life Advisor

The Muslim Studies Endowment provides funds for the support of a Muslim Life Advisor at Butler University. Our current Muslim Life Advisor, Imam Anisse Adni, has served the Central Indiana and DFW areas for over 15 years as a religious leader and community organizer. Imam Anisse graduated from Marian University and studied Islamic Theology and Sciences at the Qalam Seminary in Texas. Passionate about facilitating meaningful conversations and helping others wherever they are on their journey, Imam Anisse strives to maintain a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can freely share and express themselves without fear of judgment or reprisal. Currently, he serves as the Imam of the Alsalam Foundation in Carmel, the Muslim Life Advisor at Butler, and the Executive Director of Inspyred, an initiative addressing the socio-spiritual needs of Muslim youth, young adults, and families, inspiring and empowering them to develop and sustain a proud and reflective American Muslim identity.

Anisse Adni
Headshot of Anisse Adni
Muslim Life Advisor
Center for Faith and Vocation