Anthropology Majors & Minor
For course descriptions, visit the online Class Search. For a recommended three-year program degree path, visit the three-year program majors website.
Advising Blueprint for career development
Lower-Division Courses (6 credit hours)
- Close Encounters (AN101)
- Being Human (SW215)
Theory and Methods (6 credit hours)
- Ethnography (AN352), or course approved by advisor
- Development of Anthropological Thought (AN390)
Electives (15 credit hours)
- Five additional AN courses, four of which must be at the 300-level or above
Capstone and Beyond (6 credit hours)
- Capstone Seminar (AN460)
- Three credit hours of the following: Honors Thesis, internship, study abroad, field school, or advisor approved elective
Total credit hours required: 33
- Being Human (SW215)
- Either Close Encounters (AN101) or Cultural Geography (SW205) or other lower-division AN course (200 level)
- Four additional AN courses, three of which must be at the 300-level or above
Total credit hours required: 18
Anthropology (24 credit hours):
- Lower Division Courses (6 credit hours)
- Close Encounters (AN101)
- Being Human (SW215)
- Theory & Methods (6 credit hours)
- Ethnography (AN352), or course approved by advisor
- Development of Anthropological Thought (AN390)
- Capstone Seminar (AN 460, 3 credit hours)
- Electives (9 credit hours)
- Three additional AN courses, at least two of which must be at the 300-level or above
Psychology (25 credit hours):
- Content Core (10 credit hours)
- Psychological Inquiry (SW250, 3 credit hours)
- Finding Success in the Psychology Program (PS 110, 1 credit hour)
- Research Methods/Statistics I (PS210, 3 credit hours)
- Research Methods/Statistics II (PS211, 3 credit hours)
- One course in each of the following areas (12 credit hours):
- Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours)
- Life Span Developmental Psychology (PS 320)
- Psychology of Child and Adolescence (PS 330)
- Adolescent Psychology (PS 335)
- Social Psychology (3 credit hours)
- Power and Intergroup Relations (PS 340)
- Social Psychology (PS 350)
- Psychology and Law (PS 450)
- Biological Psychology (3 credit hours)
- Biological Bases of Behavior (PS 370)
- Psychopharmacology (PS 375)
- Sensory Processes and Perception (PS 404)
- Cognitive Psychology (3 credit hours)
- Cognitive Processes (PS 385)
- Learning (PS 390)
- Memory (PS 395)
- Developmental Psychology (3 credit hours)
- One PS 300- or 400- level elective (3 credit hours) – any PS class not counted above (may also include directed research, independent study, internship, seminar, or thesis)
Total credit hours required: 49
Should a Department change its curriculum, it may determine acceptable course substitutions.
For elective courses, the student may request a course substitution under special circumstances (such as when a department adds a new course of particular interest to that student).
Introductory Course (3 credit hours)
- Close Encounters (HST101 or AN101)
History (21 credit hours)
- Two lower-division courses (100-200 level), one of which must be focused on Asia, Latin America, Middle East/Africa, or World/Transnational History
- Theory and Methods (HST301)
- Junior Research Project (HST302)
- Two upper-division courses (300-level and above) from at least two distinct geographical areas
- Seminar in History (HST401)
Anthropology (21 credit hours)
- Being Human (SW215)
- Ethnography (AN352)
- Development of Anthropological Thought (AN390)
- Three additional AN courses, at least two of which must be at the 300-level or above.
- Capstone Seminar (AN460)
Total credit hours required: 45
One of the following: (any of these options could substitute for an upper-level course in Anthropology or History depending on their course prefix): Honors Thesis (AN499/HST499), Internship (AN493/HST493), study abroad, field school.
Anthropology (24 credit hours):
- Introductory Anthropology (SW215-AN)
- Being Human (AN101)
- Anthropological Methods (AN352)
- Development of Anthropological Thought (AN390)
- Capstone Seminar (AN460)
- Nine additional hours in AN, at least six of which must be at 300-level and above
Religion (21 credit hours):
- Religions of the World (TI250-RL)
- Three from among the following:
- Buddhism: Past and Present (RL353)
- Hinduism: Past and Present (RL358)
- Hinduism, Gender, and the Goddess (RL377)
- Islam: Religion, Culture, Society (RL354)
- Religion, Politics, and Conflict in South Asia (RL363)
- Any similar course approved by the chair of Philosophy and Religious Studies
- Theory and Method (RL381)
- Six additional hours in Religion (under close supervision of the student’s RL or AN advisor)
At least two of the following (either covering or in addition to the requirements above):
- Honors Thesis
- Capstone
- Field School/Study Abroad of at least 3 credits
- Internship
Total credit hours required: 45
Anthropology (24 credit hours):
- Foundations (6 credit hours):
- Close Encounters (AN101)
- Being Human (SW215-AN)
- Methods (3 credit hours): Anthropological Methods (AN352)
- Theory (3 credit hours): Development of Anthropological Thought (AN390)
- Capstone (3 credit hours): Capstone Seminar (AN460)
- Electives (9 credit hours): Three additional courses in AN, at least two of which must be at 300-level and above
Sociology (27 credit hours):
- Core Requirements (18 credit hours):
- Understanding Society (SW200-SO)
- Contemporary Social Issues (SO205)
- Statistics for Social Research (SO293)
- Social Theory Seminar (SO391)
- Prereq: SW200-SO, two sociology courses, junior standing
- Research Methods Seminar (SO393)
- Prereq: SW200-SO, S0293 or PS211, one sociology course, junior standing
- Senior Research Seminar (SO486)
- Prereq: SO391, SO393, Senior standing
- Note: SO499 Honors Thesis may be completed in place of the S0486 Senior Research Seminar
- Electives (9 credit hours) Students must take one upper-level course from at least three of the following four substantive areas.
- Culture & Community
- SO319 Mental Illness, Culture, & Society
- SO339 Violence, Media, & Culture
- SO341 Self & Society
- SO343 Popular Culture
- SO347 Urban Community (SL)
- SO354 Aging & The Life Course (SL)
- Inequality & Social Change
- SO303 Political Behavior
- SO317 Gender & Society
- SO321 Crime & Society
- SO323 Racial & Ethnic Relations
- SO325 Class, Status, & Power
- SO326 Gender, Race, & Crime
- SO329 The Sociology of Racism
- SO349 Social Movements
- SO357 Abolition (SL)
- Social Institutions
- SO301 Families & Society
- SO311 Law & Society
- SO315 Film, Media, & Society
- SO351 Punishment & Society
- SO352 Mental Illness & the Criminal Justice System
- SO353 Juvenile Justice & Delinquency (SL)
- SO356 Health & Society
- Transnational Society
- SO331 Latin American Societies (SL)
- SO333 European Societies
- SO334 Immigration
- SO335 Global Society
- SO355 International Crime
- All 300-level courses require SW200-SO or permission; SO381, SO383, or SO385 may not be taken to satisfy this requirement.
- Culture & Community
Combined (0-3 credit hours)
- Community Engagement: (0-3 credit hours). Choose one of the following:
- Internship: AN486 (3 credit hours), AN487 (6 credit hours), SO484 (3 credit hours) or SO485 (6 credit hours)
- Service learning course (SL) in SO (3 credits)
- ICR designated course in AN (3 credits)
- Field School (3 credits)
Total credit hours required: 51
The information found on this website with respect to major/minor/program requirements is primarily directed at providing prospective students a general roadmap of the curriculum. Current Butler students are expected to review their degree audit report at and speak with their advisor regularly for detailed information regarding their specific degree requirements and their progress toward degree completion.