Chemistry Faculty & Staff
Department Chair

1989 B.A., Chemistry, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA
1995 Ph.D., Medicinal Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Professional Experience
1995-1999 Post-doctoral Research Associate, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
1999-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
2005-2013 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
2013-present Professor, Department of Chemistry, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
2014-2017 Faculty Pre-Health Advisor, Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
primary teaching assignment: biochemistry
also teaches: general chemistry, organic chemistry
Faculty and Staff

Academic/Professional/Personal Focus
Areas of Expertise
Organic chemistry, small molecule synthesis, undergraduate education
Contributions: (published works or studies, conference presentations)
See vita
Butler Assignment (classes or work duties)
Organic Chemistry I and II with labs and Advanced Organic Mechanisms
Personal Hobbies
Basketball and spending time with family
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ph.D. 2001; Michigan State University, B.S. 1995
2004, 2008, 2011 Mortar Board LAS Faculty of the Year Award
2011 LAS award for Outstanding Professor in the Natural Sciences
2010 Brady Award for Outstanding Faculty Advisor (Timmy Foundation)
2010 SGA Outstanding Faculty of the Year award
2004 – Butler Pre-Med Society’s Professor of the Year Award
2004-2011 – Butler Student Government Association Apple for you award
2004 Order of Omega- Faculty Advisor of the Year (Phi Kappa Psi)
Association Memberships (professional/educational)
American Chemical Society
Midwestern Association of Chemistry Teachers in Liberal Arts Colleges
Indiana Local Section of the American Chemical Society

Education and Training
PhD Chemistry, University of Virginia
B.S. Chemistry, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Postdoctoral Work at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Current Research Interests
Circularly Polarized Luminescence spectroscopy
Dissymmetric luminescent lanthanides
Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents
Chiral Deep Eutectic Solvent development: Google sheet with DES data
Some Recent Publications
"Monosaccharide-Based Deep Eutectic Solvents for Circularly Polarized Luminescent Materials" VandenElzen, L.,Hopkins T., ACS Sustainable Chem. and Eng., 2019, 19, 16690-16697.
“Deep Eutectic Solvents for Induced Circularly Polarized Luminescence” Wright, C.R., VandenElzen, L.,Hopkins T. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2018, 122, 8730-8737.
“Circularly polarized luminescence of Sm(III) and Eu(III) complexes with chiral ligand (R/S)-BINAPO” Cotter, D., Dodder, S., Klimkowski, V., Hopkins, T. Chirality, 2018, 31, 301-311.
“Induction of Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Europium by Amino Acid Based IonicLiquids” Zercher, B.. Hopkins, T.A. Inorg.Chem. 2016, 55, 10899-10906.
“Chiral Discrimination by Ionic Liquids: Impact of Ionic Solutes” Brown, C.J.,Hopkins, T.A. Chirality 2015, 27, 320-325.
“Using a Thematic Laboratory-Centered Curriculum to Teach General Chemistry” Hopkins,T.A., Samide, M. J. Chem. Ed. 2013, 90, 1162-1166.
“A Chiroptical Study of Chiral Discrimination by Amino-Acid Based Ionic Liquids” Kroupa,D. M., Brown, C. J., Heckman, L. M., and Hopkins, T. A. J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116, 4952-4958.

Selected Research Publications: (*Indicates Undergraduate Author)
Selected Research Grants:
Academic Background:
- Whitney Professor of Biochemistry, Butler University (2016 – Present)
- Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Butler University (2021 – Present); Associate Professor of Chemistry, Butler University (2015 – 2020); Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Butler University (2009 – 2014)
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (American Cancer Society Fellow and HHMI Research Associate), Harvard University (2007 – 2009). Research Advisor: Dr. Erin K. O’Shea
- PhD Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison (2007). Research Advisor: Dr. Ronald T. Raines.
Research Interests:
My laboratory is globally interested in serine hydrolases: their structure, function, enzymatic activity, biological activity, and therapeutic potential. Specifically, we are interested in:
- Serine hydrolases from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: role in the basic biology, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis.
- Protein palmitoylation and dynamic control by thioesterases.
- Medically relevant bacterial and human serine hydrolases.
I have an active undergraduate research program with 4 – 10 undergraduate students per semester and 2 – 4 undergraduate students during summer research. Summer research students obtain funding through the Butler Summer Institute (BSI), through internal funding from Butler, and through coverage from external grants from the NSF and NIH. I have mentored students with majors from chemistry to biology to pharmacy and starting from first year students to fourth year students. Students working in my laboratory have continued onto top graduate school programs in biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry, genetics, and inorganic chemistry, onto top medical and dental schools, and into different chemical and business industry positions.
- Bowles IE,* Pool EH,* Lancaster BS,* Lawson EK,* Savas CP,* Kartje ZJ,* Severinac L,*Cho DH,* Macbeth MR, Johnson RJ, Hoops GC. (2021) Transition metal cation inhibition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis esterase RV0045C. Protein science. 30. p1554.
- Bun JS,* Slack MD,* Schemenauer DE,* Johnson RJ (2020) Comparative analysis of the human serine hydrolase OVCA2 to the model serine hydrolase homolog FSH1from S. cerevisiae. PLOS ONE. 15,e0230166.
- Larsen EM, Johnson RJ. (2019) Microbial esterases and ester prodrugs: An unlikely marriage for combating antibiotic resistance. Drug Development Research. 1-15. Invited Review. Selected for Cover.
- White A,* Koelper A,* Russell A,* Larsen EM, Kim C, Lavis LD, Hoops GC, Johnson RJ (2018) Fluorogenic structure activity library pinpoints molecular variations in the substrate specificity of structurally homologous esterases. Journal ofBiological Chemistry. 293, 13851-13862. doi:10.1074/jbc.RA118.003972
- Bassett B*, Waibel B*, White A*, Hansen H*, Stephens D*, Koelper A*, Larsen EM, LavisLD, Hoops GH, Johnson RJ (2018) Measuring the global substrate specificity of mycobacterial serine hydrolases using a library of fluorogenic ester substrates. ACS Infectious Diseases. 4, 904-911.
- Smith M,* Hart W,* Rabin P,* Johnson RJ (2018) A dynamic loop provides dual control over the catalytic and membrane binding activity of a bacterial serine hydrolase. BBA – Proteins and Proteomics. 1866, 925-932.
- Larsen EM, Stephens D*, Clarke N*, Johnson RJ (2017) Ester-prodrugs of ethambutol control its antibacterial activity and provide rapid screening for mycobacterial hydrolase activity. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 27, 4544-4547.
- McKary MG*, Abendroth J, Edwards TE, Johnson RJ (2016) Structural basis for the strict substrate selectivity of the mycobacterial hydrolase LipW. Biochemistry. 55, 7099.
- L Lewellyn (PI), C Stobart (Co-PI), C Masamha (Co-PI), J Kowalski (Co-PI), and RJ Johnson (Co-PI).MRI: Acquisition of Spinning Disk Confocal for Multi-Disciplinary Research and Undergraduate Teaching and Training. National Science Foundation. Major Research Instrumentation. Funded 10/1/21 – 9/31/24 for $472,138.
- RJ Johnson. Mycobacterial serine hydrolases and their roles in dormant tuberculosis infection. Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Program. Funded 8/1/18 – 7/31/23 for $60,000.
- RJ Johnson. RUI: Dual regulated control over the catalytic and membrane binding activity of acyl protein thioesterases. National Science Foundation. MCB: Molecular Biophysics. Funded 8/1/18 – 7/31/21 for $250,269
- RJ Johnson. Investigation of mycobacterial hydrolases and their role in lipolysis. National Institutes of Health. NIH R15 Award. May 2015 – April 2018.
- RJ Johnson (PI), J Kowalski (Co-PI), & G Hoops (Co-PI). An integrated series of student-driven, research-based undergraduate laboratory courses linking chemical biology, biochemistry, and neurobiology. National Science Foundation. Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science. May 2012 – April 2015.
Teaching Interests
- Classroom undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) and inquiry based research laboratories.
- Active classroom learning styles, especially incorporation of scientific skills, active discourse, and argumentation into the classroom.
- Incorporation of new classroom technologies, including molecular visualization laboratories.
Courses Taught:
- CH361/CH362/CH462: Biochemistry I and II (Amino acids, peptides, proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, central dogma, signal transduction, metabolism)
- CH463: Biochemistry Lab (Writing intensive, inquiry based laboratory)
- CH432: Synthesis and Characterization (Inquiry based laboratory)
- CH418: Chemistry and the Environment (Chemistry study abroad course)
- CH105/CH106/CH107: Introductory and Advanced Chemistry I and II (Atomic structure, acid/base, kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry)
- NW210: Chemistry and Society (Introduction to chemistry and the intersection with current issues in society)
Selected Teaching and Learning Publications: (*Indicates Undergraduate)
- Johnson RJ, et al . (2021). Proteopedia entry:Structure of complex membrane proteins solved using cryo-electron microscopy. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
- Castro C, Johnson RJ, Kieffer B, Means JA, Taylor A, Telford J, Thompson LK, Sussman JL, Prilusky J, Theis K (2021) A practical guide to teaching with Proteopedia. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
- Johnson RJ (2016 )Arsenic based life: an active learning assignment for teaching scientific discourse. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Educ. 40, 40-45.
- Kowalski JR, Hoops GC, Johnson RJ (2016) A collaborative series of classroom undergraduate research experiences spanning Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, andNeurobiology. CBE-Life Sciences. 15.4, ar55.

Education and Experience
B. S. Biological Sciences, University of Vermont
Ph. D. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Chicago
Post-doctoral associate, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Biochemistry, University of Utah School of Medicine
Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching interests include bringing active learning methods and learning technologies to biochemistry and general chemistry classrooms. In recognition of these efforts I was named a teaching fellow of the National Academy of Sciences 2011-2012. Courses taught:
- The Natural World (general chemical science)
- General Chemistry with laboratory
- Biochemistry with laboratory
- Advanced Biochemistry
- Structural Methods
- Modern Issues in Biochemistry/The Biochemistry of the Covid-19 Vaccines
I’m currently developing the advanced course Chemical Mechanisms in Gene Expression and a structure/mechanism based Enzymology course.
Research interests include: 1) the biochemical analysis of nucleic acid-protein interactions, including the structure and mechanism of RNA modifying enzymes, 2) substrate recognition and activity of microbial esterases, and 3) the role of metal ions in the chemical mechanism and allosteric regulation of enzymes. Research methods employed:
- Kinetic analysis (including synthesis of inhibitors and mutants) of enzymatic activity
- RNA, metal ion, and other ligand binding assays
- X-ray crystallography of nucleic acids and proteins
- Yeast genetics and molecular biology
- Cell biology and cellular imaging
University and Community Service
Learn about the Covid-19 vaccines:

BS Chemistry, Furman University
PhD Chemistry, University of Virginia
Post-doctoral work, Furman University
Faculty at Butler University since 2003.
Associate Dean for Faculty and Program Development in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

I obtained my BS in medical technology from California University of Pennsylvania in 1993. While working at various health care organizations specializing in pre-transfusion testing, I completed post-baccalaureate courses in chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2001 I transitioned to full time graduate studies at Pitt and obtained my PhD in organic chemistry in 2007.
One of my passions is exposing and inspiring young people to the wonder of science, and I have been involved for over five years in planning and presenting public outreach events related to chemistry and STEM (science technology engineering and math) fields. This involvement has led to my service on the board of directors for a non-profit organization, the Science Education Foundation of Indiana, and as treasurer for the Indiana Section of the American Chemical Society. But the work relted to outreach that I have the greatest pride in is the course, Chemistry in the Community, that I developed and teach at Butler University. This course brings students out into the community and exposes them to the joys and challenges of STEM outreach, potentially inspiring their continued interest in sharing science with others.
Starting in June of 2018, I was appointed to be one of the two pre-health professions advisors at Butler University. This position allows me to work both with students and colleagues to ensure Butler graduates are well prepared to attend graduate and professional programs in the health professions.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry, August 1996.
Research Advisor: Professor Joseph L. Templeton.
Transylvania University, Lexington, KY 40508.
Received BA in Chemistry with minor in Mathematics.
Graduated June of 1991.
Leadership Highlights:
Faculty Senate Chair, Fall 2024
Faculty Senate Vice Chair, Spring 2022 to August 2024
Chair, Clowes Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- July 2018 – December 2019
- January 2008 to May 2014
- Fall 2006
Research Interests:
Student success in general chemistry
Synthesis of novel trispyrazolylmethane ligands
Courses Taught:
Intro to Chemistry
General Chemistry 1 and 2
Inorganic Chemistry and Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic ChemistryLaboratory and Synthesis and Characterization
Chemistry and Society
Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 and 2
Chemistry and Global Issues

After teaching at Indiana University for 2 years as a visiting Assistant Professor, Michael made the move north in August 2000 to begin teaching analytical and general chemistry at Butler. Mike’s current interests are focused on the intersection of chemistry and art conservation science. Since 2014, Mike has partnered with the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields to perform research on materials used for the storage and display of artwork. Mike also teaches courses on chemistry and art that incorporate short-term faculty led study abroad experiences so that students can see how culture and history impact the topic.

Education andExperience
B.S. Chemistry and Mathematics, North Dakota StateUniversity
M.S. Chemistry, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Chicago
Post Doctoral Associate – Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota
General Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
I am a theoretical chemist – my research group does our work using only computers. We develop and apply new algorithms and methodologies to a variety of interesting problems in chemistry. My research focuses on the study of chemical processes in which strong electron correlation plays an important role. My research goals are as follows:
- Develop new methodologies to target areas of strong electron correlation using both wave function and density functional techniques.
- Work towards a more “black box” treatment of strong correlation
- Study how strong correlation affects carbene chemistry

- Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Safety Committee, Co-chair
- University Lab Safety Committee, Co-chair
- Certified Chemical Hygiene Officer
- NAOSMM Safety Committee, Chair
- National Association of Scientific Materials Managers – NAOSMM Safety

Dr. Anne M.Wilson graduated from Oberlin College with a B.A. in chemistry and obtained a PhD. from the University of Utah with Frederick West and Richard Ernst. After a post-doctoral research position with Marie Krafft at Florida State University, she took a position at Butler University in 1996. Her research with undergraduates is in the area of small molecule synthesis, organometallic synthesis, food and flavor chemistry, historical dyes, use of databases to categorize research in a microgravity environment, and women in science.