Undergraduate Research

Take advantage of your Butler opportunities. Faculty members in Biological Sciences welcome students into their laboratories. Check out our Faculty page and click on a name to view a professor’s area of expertise. Visit and talk with them as early in your career as possible. Although most undergraduate research is done in the junior and senior years, some students begin as early as the freshman year.

Students may earn credit (or, occasionally, money) by working one on one with faculty during the academic year. Research is also an important part of the Honors Program. Students interested in an intensive research experience are encouraged to apply for the Butler Summer Institute. More information about undergraduate research programs at Butler can be found at the Office of Sponsored Programs website.

Every April, students present their results at the Butler Undergraduate Research Conference, which draws participants from more than forty midwestern colleges and universities. Students may also apply for funds to travel to other regional or national meetings, via the Holcomb Undergraduate Grants program.

Students may also want to apply for Biology Internships which are available throughout Indianapolis, the state of Indiana, and surrounding states. Click on the link above or contact the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at 317-940-9224.

Take a Brief Tour of Some Labs!

Listen to some students discuss their research projects and give you a quick tour of the labs they call home. And it’s not all microscopes and white lab coats…who would have thought that flying drones in the forests on campus could be Biology research?!?!

Student Research Projects