LAS Dean’s Advisory Board
The purpose of the Dean’s Advisory Board is to advise and support the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in fulfilling its mission: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seeks to extend knowledge and understanding and to convey the excitement of lifelong learning. The College offers students ways to lead creative and thoughtful lives and to be useful and sensitive citizens of the community, the country and the rapidly changing world. The College affirms the essential role of liberal education and also provides students a variety of opportunities for specialization in a major field, preparing them for graduate or professional schools or for more immediate career goals.
Current Advisory Board Members
Kevin Ault
Linda Calvin
Jamie Fryrear
Jim Funk
Belvia Gray
Kathy Harrison
Patrick Havens
Susan Kucer
Kent Rollison
Harry Todd
Erin Walls
Board Development Committee Charter
The purpose of the Development Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Visitors (the “Board”) of Butler University’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (the “College”) is to assist the Board, on its behalf and during periods between its meetings, in fulfilling its mission of supporting the College.
The Committee shall consist of the Vice Chair of the Board and five to nine additional members, at least three of whom shall be voting members nominated by the Board’s Chair and appointed by the Board, and two of whom shall be non-voting ex officio members consisting of the Dean of the College and the Butler Development Officer assigned to the Board. Unless otherwise determined by the Board in consultation with the Dean of the College, the Vice Chair of the Board shall chair the Committee.
Committee members may be removed or replaced by the Board from time to time in its discretion.
- The Committee shall, on behalf of the Board and subject to its approval, establish a set of expectations for members of the Board, which shall be designed to facilitate the Board members’ ability to advocate for the College and support its needs.
- The Committee shall identify and implement actions to assist the Board members in fulfilling these membership expectations successfully.
- The Committee shall review membership expectations on a semi-annual basis, together with the Board members’ efforts to meet or exceed them, as a means of helping the Board optimize its service opportunity on behalf of the College. The Committee will not have access to individual giving levels but will receive Board contribution data from authorized development staff only on an aggregate basis. Furthermore, the Committee will use the results of such reviews solely to help and encourage Board members to take advantage of opportunities to support the College in a manner consistent with the aforementioned membership expectations. To the extent the results of the Committee’s semi-annual review are presented to the full Board, the results will be aggregated and designed to give the Board a sense of its overall performance relative to these expectations.
- The Committee shall work with the Dean and the Development Officer to develop a recruitment process for new Board members consistent with the Board’s By-Laws. In addition, the Committee shall assist the Dean and the Development Officer with a new member on-boarding process, including the preparation and maintenance of a member orientation manual, a description of BOV member benefits, and a list of opportunities for member engagement with the College and the University that reflects the Dean’s current priorities.
- The Committee shall generally hold two regular meetings per year (in addition to such special meetings as it may determine to be necessary or appropriate). The Committee may meet in person or via teleconference.
- The Committee may include in its meetings such members of Butler staff as it deems necessary or appropriate to support its activities.
- The Committee may, in consultation with the Dean, obtain advice and assistance external advisors to assist it in carrying out its functions.
- The Committee may from time to time take such other actions as it deems necessary or appropriate to further its purpose of supporting the Board. The Committee shall review and reassess the adequacy of this charter on an annual basis, taking into account the Committee’s purpose and its own assessment of its effectiveness, and it shall recommend any proposed charter or by-law changes to the Board for approval.
To help ensure the long-term success of the Butler University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, a Board of Visitors (BOV) was created to advocate for the College and to support its needs. In order to carry out these duties successfully, members of the BOV are expected to contribute in several meaningful ways through this special opportunity to help advance the College’s vision and objectives. A list of expectations for members of the BOV is provided below.
Responsibilities of the Board of Visitors (BOV) Members include:
- Serving a full 3-year term as a member of the BOV.
- Making a minimum personal financial contribution of $2500 per year to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences each year. (Employers’ matching gifts will be counted toward the expected member contribution level.)
- Participating in two BOV meetings and one additional Butler-related event (alumni event, career services, etc.) annually to demonstrate support towards the alma mater.
- Suggesting names of other College of Liberal Arts and Sciences graduates or other supporters of Butler University or the liberal arts and sciences in general as potential members of the Board of Visitors.
- Identifying and providing names of other graduates, friends, and community leaders who would be interested in supporting the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Sharing key messages with new audiences about the need to support the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Butler University as it advances its mission in the 21st century.
- Meeting the other responsibilities outlined in Article V of the BOV’s By-Laws from time to time.
The passion and commitment which the Butler University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences BOV members exhibit with respect to the College should encourage students, Butler graduates, and friends of the College to rally to the cause and help ensure the success of its initiatives.
A Development Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences BOV has been created in part to review member expectations and to assist each member in fulfilling these responsibilities successfully. Toward this end, the Development Committee will review the above expectations on a semi-annual basis, together with BOV members’ efforts to meet or exceed them, as a means of helping the BOV optimize this service opportunity on behalf of the College. The Committee will not have access to individual giving levels but will receive BOV contributions data from authorized development staff only on an aggregate basis. Furthermore, the Committee will use the results of such reviews solely to help and encourage BOV members to take advantage of opportunities to support the College in a manner consistent with the expectations outlined above.
Article I
Name and Purpose
- The name of this group shall be “The Board of Visitors of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.”
- The purpose of the Board of Visitors is to advise and support the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in fulfilling its mission: the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seeks to extend knowledge and understanding and to convey the excitement of lifelong learning. The College offers students ways to lead creative and thoughtful lives and to be useful and sensitive citizens of the community, the country and the rapidly changing world. The College affirms the essential role of liberal education and also provides students a variety of opportunities for specialization in a major field, preparing them for graduate or professional schools or for more immediate career goals.
- The principal officers of the Board of Visitors will be the Chair of the Board of Visitors and the Vice Chair of the Board of Visitors appointed from the existing membership of the Board of Visitors by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In the event of any vacancy in the Office of Chair of the Board, the Vice Chair will immediately assume the office of Chair of the Board during the remaining term of the current Chair. The Dean of the College of LAS will then select a Vice Chair from among the current members to complete the remaining term of the Vice Chair of the BOV. The term of office is two years, with reappointment at the discretion of the Dean.
Article II
Relation to the Butler University Board of Trustees
The Board of Visitors is not a legal entity. Its members have no legal responsibility for the policies and operations of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and no legal liability for any activity of the College. The Board of Visitors has no authority to make commitments on behalf of the college or university. The board’s role is to assist the College and to communicate its progress to the administration and the Board of Trustees.
Article III
Appointment, Term of Office and Meetings
- Appointment and Term. Each Board of Visitors member is appointed for an initial three-year term, with renewal at the discretion of the Dean. Generally, appointments are limited to two consecutive terms. Initially the board consisted of 14 members, with the plan to appoint 14 more members in the second year. Additional appointments will be made as appropriate. Appointments are made by the president upon the recommendation of the Dean and Vice President of Advancement. Nominations will be solicited from the faculty, staff, friends, trustees and the Butler University Alumni Association, and present and past members of the Board of Visitors as appropriate.
- Meetings. Two full board meetings are held each year. Board Committees meet more frequently via in-person or virtual (email, conference call, etc.) means, pursuant to their assignments. Background materials and agenda are provided by the Dean to each Board member before the meeting. Formal reports from each committee are presented at each meeting at the discretion of the committee chair. Any special meetings may be convened by conference call or any other electronic technology acceptable to the members of the Board or committee members participating in the meeting.
- Removal. Any visitor may be removed, with or without cause by a vote of the majority of the Board of Visitors or at the discretion of the Dean. The failure to attend at least one meeting in any academic year shall be deemed cause for removal.
- Vacancies. Any vacancy in the Board of Visitors occurring during the year may be filled with a new three-year appointment.
- Regular Meeting; Notice. Regular meetings of the Board of Visitors shall be held at such time and place as the Dean shall designate at least forty-five (45) days before the scheduled date of said meeting.
- Special Meetings Notice. Special meetings of the Board of Visitors (in-person or virtual) may be held upon the call of the Chair of the board, the Vice Chair of the Board or the Dean at such time as may be designated in the notice of such meeting. Notice of time, place and purpose of any special meeting of the Board of Visitors shall be given by the office of the Dean by mailing or emailing a copy thereof or delivering same to each Board of Visitor member at least two days before such meeting.
- Quorum; Adjournments of Meetings. At all meetings of the Board of Visitors the majority of the visitors then appointed shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the absence of a quorum, the majority of the Visitors present may without giving notice other than by announcement at the meeting adjourn the meeting from time to time until quorum is obtained. At such adjourned meetings at which a quorum is present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally scheduled.
- Organization. The Chair of the Board of Visitors shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Visitors; in the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair of the Board of Visitors shall preside or in the absence of both, the Board of Visitors may select a person to preside at the meeting from among its members present at such meeting.
- Committees. The Board shall establish and maintain an executive committee consisting of the Chair and Vice Chair, together with additional members in consultation with the Dean. The Board may also designate two (2) or more of its number to constitute a development or other committee. The Board shall have the power, at any time and in consultation with the Dean, to increase or decrease the number of members of the executive, development or other committee, to fill vacancies thereon, to change any member thereof, and to change the functions or terminate the existence thereof. The purpose and responsibilities of a committee (other than the executive committee) will be set forth in a committee charter approved by the Board. Committees will hold additional in-person or virtual meetings as required.
- Resignation. Any member may resign at any time by giving notice to the Dean and Chair of the Board of Visitors. Such resignation shall take effect any time specified therein and unless otherwise specified therein the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.
- Procedure. All meetings shall be governed by the most recent revision in existence of Robert’s Rules of Order or in the alternative the procedure followed by the Board of Trustees of Butler University.
Article IV
Each member of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Board of Visitors will be expected to:
- attend two Board meetings each year-one in the fall and one in the spring,
- participate in University and College events, and
- be an annual contributor to the College,
in each case in a manner consistent with a Member Expectations document approved by the Board from time to time and with the Responsibilities outlined in Article V below.
Article V
- Advocate the mission, goals, and objectives of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to external constituencies
- Create mutually supportive linkages between the college and persons and organizations in the Indianapolis community and beyond.
- Assist in identifying and acquiring resources to support the work of the College.
- Advise the Dean on areas of opportunity and innovation.
- Contribute expertise by collaborating with the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences as consultants, speakers or mentors.
- Report on the progress of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to the Butler University Board of Trustees.
- Support students in their request for internship and career advice.
- Convey to the community the central importance of the liberal arts and sciences to the cultivation of successful citizens.
Article VI
Books and Records
There shall be kept at the office of the Dean correct minutes and records of the activities and transactions of the Board of Visitors including a minutes book which shall contain copies of these By-Laws, a copy of the Resolution of the Board of Trustees creating the Board of Visitors of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and all minutes of previous meetings of the Board of Visitors.
Article VII
Amendments and Consideration
The Board of Visitors shall have power to make, alter, amend, and repeal the Bylaws of the Board of Visitors by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Visitors then serving provided that the action is proposed at a regular or special meeting of the board, except as otherwise provided by the Bylaws. Any questions involving the interpretation of these Bylaws shall be determined by the Board of Visitors after, as the Board deems appropriate, consultation with the Dean and the administration of the University, and if such question arises in the course of any meeting, by the Chair of the Board of Visitors. Determinations by the Chair of the Board shall be effective only for the purposes of the meeting.