History, Anthropology, & Classics Internships

Internship Requirements

The Department of History, Anthropology, and Classics encourages its majors and minors to pursue internships as a part of their degree programs at Butler University. Internships that utilize, explore, and advance the approaches and skills developed in the history and anthropology major and minor can be a valuable part of the undergraduate experience. More information about finding an internship is available through the Office of Career and Professional Success.

Required Forms:

  1. Internship Agreement between the student, the University and the Internship site supervisor
  2. Learning Agreement between the student and the faculty sponsor, agreeing to expectations and learning outcomes

Attendance: 15 hours per week on site for each 3 hours of credit awarded

Credit: Majors and minors are allowed no more than 6 hours of credit for internships toward their major or minor. If one wants more than 6 hours of Internship credit, and the Internship hours justify the additional credit, refer to the LAS Internship Guidelines for total hours allowed toward graduation. To enroll in one of the following courses, please contact Elizabeth Huselton and speak to your advisor. The courses are:

  • HST491 (1 credit hour)
  • HST492 (2 credit hours)
  • HST493 (3 credit hours)
  • HST496 (6 credit hours)
  • AN491 (1 credit hour)
  • AN492 (2 credit hours)
  • AN493 (3 credit hours)
  • AN496 (6 credit hours)

Objectives: Internships offer History, Anthropology, and Classics majors and minors the opportunity to apply the insights of their academic discipline to the study of a workplace situation. Although internships offer employment experience, they are included in the curriculum primarily to encourage independent study. Such study is designed to ask questions about the relationships between the academic treatments of a subject and the workplace applications of those treatments. In the process, an intern must undertake research, record observations, engage in analysis and critical thinking, and communicate the results of inquiry to the faculty advisor.

Prerequisites: Enrollment in an internship requires 12 hours of prior coursework in history or anthropology and junior standing.

Arrangements: Internships are arranged by the student, not by the department. Butler’s Washington D.C. internship program features internship placements in our nation’s capital. Internships must be approved by the department head prior to the start of the internship. The academic component of the internship is evaluated by a faculty advisor. The student will have to have the department head and faculty advisor approve a one-page summary of your internship, including the name, address, and phone number of your on-sight supervisor; phone and coordinates where you can be reached during the day; the activities you will undertake while an intern; and the personal learning objectives you have set for yourself in the course.

Course Requirements: The department expects you to provide three important products of your course work:

  1. A daily journal recording your workplace experiences and your reflections about those experiences. Take about 15 to 20 minutes each work day to write your journal. The journal is due no later than the last day of classes.
  2. A midterm writing review. This could be a summary of your journal after half of the semester is completed or an assignment at the discretion of your instructor. The review should be 3-5 pages long, typed and double-spaced.
  3. A substantial paper dealing with a significant topic that is illustrated by your internship. The paper is a focused discussion of a particular subject that you had an opportunity to observe or practice. The paper should be 10-15 pages, typed and double-spaced. The paper is due no later than the last day of classes.

Grades: On-site supervisors are asked to grade your job performance on a pass-fail basis. The letter grade of the course is assigned by the faculty advisor and based on the above required course work and the on-site supervisor’s evaluation.

Internship Policies with further details:

History, Anthropology, & Classics Internship Requirements 

LAS Internship Guidelines

Departmental Internships

History, Anthropology, and Classics also provides opportunities for students to receive credit or paid internships with our Department. Sharpen your writing skills as a student writing intern and create content for our blog and social media. Or, work hands-on with real ancient artifacts in our Archaeology Lab! Our student interns also learn design skills and represent the us at various departmental and campus events.

Local Internship Opportunities

Our History, Anthropology, & Classics students have opportunities for internships with many local organizations, including:

If you are interested in applying for one of the opportunities above or need help navigating, please get in contact with your advisor or the Department’s Administrative Specialist, Elizabeth Huselton.