License Plates

Bulldog fans, show your pride with an official Butler University license plate, issued in Indiana. When you ride with pride, $25 will be designated to Butler to support student financial aid and campus improvements.
Anyone can purchase a Butler license plate through the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV).

I’m renewing my Butler license plate. What is the new process?

After receiving the BMV notice to renew your license plate, proceed as you typically would by renewing directly at your local branch, at a self-service terminal, online, or by mail.

When prompted to choose a Plate Type, simply select Butler University—SP. If you’d like a Butler motorcycle plate, select Butler University—MC. Also, be sure to CHECK THE BOX to elect tax benefits for your purchase.

The $25 group fee, which is a donation to Butler University, will now be collected by the BMV as part of the regular renewal process.

Interested in purchasing a low-number plate? Contact the Office of Annual Giving for details.

I’ve never had a Butler license plate. How do I “Ride with Pride?”

After receiving the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles notice to renew your license plate, proceed as you typically would by renewing through the BMV directly at your local branch, online or by mail. If you have never had a BU plate, you are now able to order one online or through a self-service terminal.

When choosing a Plate Type, simply select Butler University—SP. If you’d like a Butler motorcycle plate, select Butler University—MC. Also, be sure to CHECK THE BOX to elect tax benefits for your purchase.

A $25 group fee, which is a donation to Butler University, will be collected by the BMV as part of the regular renewal process. Thank you for showing your pride in Butler University and for your $25 donation.*

Interested in purchasing a low number or specialty plate? Contact the Office of Annual Giving for details.

Questions? Contact the Office of Annual Giving by phone at 800-368-6852, ext. 9469 or by email at