Research, Scholarship, & Creative Work

At Butler, there are many resources available to assist faculty with their research, scholarship, and creative work. Butler offers numerous internal grants to assist faculty with research, instructional development, travel, and more. In addition, the Office of Sponsored Programs is dedicated to assisting faculty with external research grants and scholarship projects as well as overseeing compliance. Resources in this section will assist faculty in understanding the internal and external grants process at Butler as well as celebrating the research and works done by our faculty.
Internal grants are administered by faculty-led committees. The Butler Awards Committee supports activities related to the arts, humanities, and qualitative social sciences, and the Holcomb Awards Committee supports activities related to the natural sciences and quantitative social sciences.
All full-time faculty are eligible to apply for one of the following grant opportunities. To apply for a research grant, you must be a tenure-track or tenured position.
The most common internal grants to support research are:
- Mini-Grant—Support projects with special needs that are not part of a larger project or supported by other funding sources.
- Travel to Present—Provides supplemental support toward travel costs to a national or international conference to present the results of a research or scholarly project.
- Publication Reimbursement—Supports the costs of publishing journal articles in professional science journals (HAC only).
- Faculty Research—Supports original, creative, and scholarly faculty projects for qualitative or quantitative research.
Once you have identified a grant opportunity you would like to apply for, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) as soon as possible at The Director of OSP will help guide you through the application process, including filling out forms and advising on requirements for the grant. You will also work with the Grants Financial Specialist in the Office of Budget and Grants to complete your budget and ensure all proper rates will be used. About 2 weeks before the deadline, we ask that you route the proposal for internal approval through This webpage will automatically route your proposal to your Chair (if applicable), Dean, Director of Sponsored Programs, Grants Financial Specialist, the Provost, and the VP of Finance and Administration.
Butler is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), which offers workshops and other support for scholarship and creative work. Set up your individual NFCDD account.
The Brown Bag Series provides an opportunity for Butler faculty to present their original research, scholarship, and creative work, aimed to speak to both departmental colleagues and those in completely different disciplines. Students, staff, and faculty are all welcome to attend.
Yes! However, please ask them to RSVP via the event link to help us manage in-person room capacities.
For human subjects’ studies, please email For animal studies, please email For studies involving biological materials such as recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules or pathogenic microorganisms, please email You can find all relevant forms here . If you’re not sure whether your research requires any of these, please email to contact the Research Compliance Officer or relevant person for assistance.