For Current Tutors
Being a Tutor
Your selection as a tutor is indicative of the confidence that Student Success faculty members and the staff have in your ability to support the university’s effort to provide academic support to all Butler undergraduate students. Tutoring is one of the most effective interventions for students who are struggling with grasping and understanding difficult concepts presented in class. In addition to the satisfaction that comes from supporting others as they work to achieve their academic goals, you will learn a great deal as you review material and help tutees learn how to be successful.
Tutor Handbook
The Butler University Tutoring Manual provides details about the tutoring process, tutoring activities, and other resources that will enable you to be an effective peer tutor.
Peer Tutor Progress Report
Peer tutors are asked to complete a Peer Tutor Progress Report after each session with a tutee. This will enable Student Success to determine if continuing the tutoring process is appropriate. If you have concerns regarding a tutee that are not appropriate to include on the report, please contact Student Success directly.
Student Employment at Butler
Students are paid on a bi-weekly basis, every other Friday, and students submit time worked through When receiving payment, students have two options—they can pick up a check at Student Accounts (located on the first floor of Jordan Hall) or they can receive direct deposit payments. Direct deposit is always recommended for student employees, as it is much easier for both the University and the student. In order to do this, students must sign-up through Please Note: It is the expectation of Student Success that tutors will maintain a solid GPA and will follow through on their responsibilities as a tutor. If a tutor is unable to balance their academic load with their tutoring responsibilities, Student Success will work with the tutor to ensure that priority is given to the tutor’s individual academics.
More information on student employment
Electronic Timesheet
Peer tutors must complete and submit a timesheet, which is due every other Friday. Instructions for filling out a timesheet can be found at this link.