Participate and Engage

You are invited to participate in collaborative strategic planning discussions. Your insights and contributions will be invaluable to this important process.

Please RSVP for the sessions you plan to attend using the linked forms. Your participation will help us craft a strategic vision that reflects the values and aspirations of our entire community. Additional opportunities will be added as scheduled so please check back often and watch Butler Today for reminders of upcoming sessions.

If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to the Office of the President at We look forward to your contributions and insights!

Upcoming Opportunities to Engage

Many of the spring sessions are focused on a particular area important to our future direction. Sessions will include a brief update on the emerging themes and ideas around that particular topic followed by considerable time for input and feedback. We encourage faculty and staff to sign-up for as many of the sessions as are of interest to you.

For those who were unable to attend a recent in-person strategy session, this Canvas site will provide videos of past sessions, access to additional strategy-related resources, and an opportunity to provide input and feedback via an input form.

SessionDate and TimeLocationRSVP
People & CultureThursday, January 23, 2–3PMKrannert Room, Clowes Lower LevelWatch Video and Provide Input
Arts and Midtown Arts DistrictTuesday, January 28, 3–4PMReilly Room,  
Atherton Union
Watch Video and Provide Input
Student Experience  and Outcomes Feedback SessionsMonday, February 3,  Session 1: 10–11AM, Session 2: 12–1PM, Session 3: 4–5PM, Session 4: 5:15–6:15PM on ZoomDH 230AWatch Video and Provide Input
Student Experience and Outcomes Feedback SurveyComing SoonFor Faculty and Staff
Reputation and  Enrollment GrowthTuesday, February 4, 1–2PMJohnson Board Room, Robertson HallWatch Video and Provide Input
Placemaking and Campus DevelopmentTuesday, February 11, 10–11AMReilly Room, Atherton UnionWatch Video and Provide Input
Athletics StrategyTuesday, February 25, 2–3PMKrannert Room, Clowes Lower LevelRSVP
Academic Program Growth Option #1Tuesday, March 4, 1–2PM Ford SalonRSVP
Academic Program Growth Option #2Friday, March 21, 11:00AM – 12 NoonJordan Hall 141RSVP

Past Strategy Engagement Sessions

Throughout the fall semester, we have engaged more than 500 faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners in meaningful conversations to gather insights and ideas that will help shape Butler’s future.

Faculty and Academic Affairs
Strategy Sessions
August 20, 1:30–2:30 PM
August 20, 3:00–4:00 PM
August 21, 1:00–2:00 PM
August 21, 2:30–3:30 PM
Small Group Lunch with President Danko and
EVP Melissa Beckwith
September 12, Noon–1:00 PM
Staff Assembly Lunch and Learn Strategy
September 19, Noon–1:00 PM
Small Group Lunch with President Danko and
EVP Melissa Beckwith
September 20, Noon–1:00 PM
Faculty Senate Strategy SessionSeptember 24, 8:00–9:15 AM
Family Council Strategy SessionSeptember 27, 9:00–10:00 AM
State of the Sector Presentation by EABSeptember 27, 10:00 – 11:00AM
Community Listening SessionOctober 8, 6:30–8:00 PM
Small Group Lunch with President Danko and
EVP Melissa Beckwith
October 14, Noon–1:00 PM
Small Group Lunch with President Danko and
EVP Melissa Beckwith
October 21, Noon–1:00 PM
State of the University
October 29
11:30 AM–1:00 PM
Student Government
Association Senator
November 6
7:30–8:30 PM
Butler Alumni Leaders
November 7
4:00–5:00 PM
Small Group Coffee with President Danko and Melissa BeckwithNovember 14, 2:30 – 3:30PM
Executive Council
Strategy Session
November 15
11:00 AM–Noon
Midtown Community Listening
November 19
6:30–8:00 PM
Small Group Lunch with President Danko and Melissa BeckwithNovember 21, 12N – 1:00PM
Financial Town HallNovember 21
2:00–3:00 PM