Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate
Historically, faculty governance at Butler University ensued through an assembly model that existed from 1978 to 2008. In 2008, the Faculty Senate began as a new structure for faculty governance, based on an elected representative model.
According to the Constitution of the Faculty Senate: “The faculty is the professional body of the University primarily responsible for educational policies, faculty productivity, curriculum, and instructional practices. The Faculty Senate is the forum and deliberative body for the expression of the faculty’s recommendations regarding these matters. Faculty Senate also has interests in the economic welfare of the institution and in protecting the rights and interests of the faculty” (Article II, Section 1).
The Faculty Senate is composed of elected representatives from each of the colleges and the library. Officers of Faculty Senate include the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Parliamentarian. Four Faculty Senate committees exist: Academic and Student Affairs, Curriculum, Faculty Affairs, and Professional Appeals.
For more information about the Faculty Senate, please contact FS chair Jon Sorenson.
4600 Sunset Ave.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46208