Interested in Registering with SDS?

Butler students with a disability who would like to request an accommodation must report their disability directly to Student Disability Services (SDS).  Reporting the disability to any other department or representative of the University will not initiate the official procedure needed to establish eligibility for support services. All disability information is kept completely confidential within SDS; the office will not share any information outside of the department without the express consent of the student.

Early disclosure of a disability has been found to be a positive indicator for academic success. Thus, the disability is best disclosed immediately after acceptance to the University. Additionally, early disclosure allows sufficient time to develop accommodations if they are found to be needed.  Accommodation requests cannot be considered until the student has submitted the appropriate documentation to SDS and has also engaged in an interactive discussion with an appropriate SDS staff member.

Butler University is committed to treating all individuals within the university, including those with disabilities, in a fair and equitable manner.  It is the policy and practice of the university to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.  Under these laws, no otherwise qualified individual with a disability will be denied access to or participation in services, programs, and activities at Butler University. See below for information on documentation requirements and the process for establishing eligibility for accommodations.

Current and Accepted Butler Students

Students can begin the registration process by completing an SDS Interest Form.  

Upon logging in, select Accommodations > SDS Interest Form from the menu on the left side of the screen.

This applies to current Butler students as well as incoming students who have received their Butler acceptance and a Butler email and password.

Other Prospective Butler Students

If you are not yet a Butler student but are considering Butler and would like to begin the process of discussing disability accommodations, please email SDS staff will direct you to an alternative interest form. Please note this applies only to prospective students who do not yet have a Butler email and log-in.